My name is Martin Crownover, and I’m an artist, designer, and developer. I run Massive Catapult Creative, a small graphic design studio dedicated to creating cutting edge visuals, bold and impactful presentations, and a wide variety of informative and interactive media.
I’ve been drawing since I could hold a pencil, and my background in illustration and fine art serves as the basis for most of my creative efforts. Over the years, I’ve built upon this foundation through experience and education – learning additional aspects of art and design, working with many different types of software, and employing my creative abilities wherever possible. Somewhere along the line, I picked up some programming skill as well.
I like to work smartly and efficiently. I’m a good problem-solver, and I pay close attention to details. In order to keep my work fresh and productivity high, I am constantly learning new things. When there’s a better way to do something, I’m not happy until I figure it out and implement it.
Having a good sense of humor and the ability to keep all things in perspective are aspirations of mine. When deadlines are looming and pressure is high, I’m right there, getting things done and staying cool.
Past and current clients include Flavor Insights, Altwell, Gym Weed, CytoSport, Purity Organic, Liberty Mutual, Studio Lambert, noLove Skateboarding, Hospitality Supply, and Vetra Games. Additionally, I’ve worked for Dominion Enterprises, and have had my illustrations published in a handful of places. I’ve also made some video games solo, and with my friends at Exploding Tuba Studios.
I attended the University of the Pacific, and received a Bachelor’s of Arts, Art in 2004.
Please take a moment to browse through the work on my site – I’ve got many unique and fun projects showing here. If you’re interested in learning more about how I create stuff, I’ve also written a little about the tools and methods I use, which you can find here.
If you’d like to get in touch with me, please use the form below. Thanks for visiting!