Once again, I hit the pavement to take part in Chalk It Up, an annual event held in Sacramento where artists (and sponsors) celebrate Labor Day weekend with music, food, and tons of chalk. As usual, I had my own company, Massive Catapult Creative, sponsor my square. And in what seems to be a tradition now, I waited until the last minute to decide what to do for my artwork, selecting a drawing from my June Toons series just before we left for the park that morning.
In 2018, I learned a valuable lesson: things go a lot faster if you don’t worry about filling in the background. I took that to heart this year, and finished my square so early that I didn’t really know what to do with myself.
Other people like to make a full weekend out of it, spending all three days of the holiday weekend working on their square(s) – and that’s commendable. Maybe someday, after some rigorous physical training, I’ll give that a try. This year however, I was happy to be done quickly, so I could go check out the other parts of the event, and then do other stuff during the weekend.