Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chalk It Up was a bit different in 2020. Instead of everyone gathering at Fremont Park, we were allowed to set up shop wherever we could secure space, and viewers were encouraged to follow along online via a map which showed sponsor locations and artwork as artists sent in their progress shots throughout the event.
A few weeks prior to Labor Day weekend, I scouted around my neighborhood and found a few promising spots. Eventually, I settled on the corner of a nearby school, and after making sure it was alright with the school staff (who were all very friendly and encouraging) I made it official.
My usual squares at Fremont Park were around 6′ x 6′. The square at this new site was around 8′ x 8′ – 30% more space to use! I wasn’t planning on filling in the background though, and I figured I’d draw in a square around the usual size and just work inside that.
Once I started sketching, however, things felt a little small. So I ended up pushing out to the edges of the square (and a little beyond), and I think things turned out a lot better for it. It took longer than 2019’s square – I worked from 9 AM to around 7 PM, with only a small break for lunch at 2:30 PM. That is partly due tot he heat, however; it was also over 100 degrees Fahrenheit here that day.
I’m happy with how it turned out, in the end. The concrete in this location was much finer grain, and a little harder to work with, but the results were more smooth/vibrant than normal. And I had a fun time hanging out with my wife and talking to the handful of people who stopped by to check it out. Everyone liked the message of the artwork!