Blender Addon: Export 3D Models to GameMaker Studio 2 Vertex Buffers

I finally updated my original Blender addon for exporting 3D models to GameMaker, with a complete re-write for Blender 2.93. It can now export straight to vertex buffers, which can be loaded natively into GameMaker Studio 2, and without the hassle of including a bunch of giant, unwieldy scripts in your project!


  • gamemaker-3d-io is an easy way to get objects from Blender to GameMaker Studio 2, using GameMaker’s native buffer format for importing
  • Objects can alternatively be exported to a GML script for importing/debugging
  • Exports models with normals, vertex colors, and UV coordinates included – with a number of export options to suit your project’s needs
  • Supports any model which can be broken into triangle lists – support for line lists and point lists is planned for the future


Instead of doing version-tracking here, I’ve opted to use Github for the project. You can download the latest release, grab the source code and more with the following links:

  • Get the Blender addon here:
  • Get the example files here:
  • View the rest of the project (including the source for both the addon and example) at Github, here:
  • You can discuss the addon on this page, or at the official GameMaker Community page, here:

How to use:

  1. For instructions on installing/using the Blender addon, please refer to the Github page.
  2. Export an object from Blender to the default *.buf format
  3. Load in in your game with the following code…

Create a global vertex format for exported models:

global.vtf = vertex_format_end();

Add the model to your project as an included datafile (or use an external path/folder), and load it like this:

var b = buffer_load("modelname.buf");
model = vertex_create_buffer_from_buffer(b, global.vtf);

Finally, draw the model like this (in the Draw Event):

vertex_submit(model, pr_trianglelist, -1);

Or alternatively, you can use it with a shader!

I will be adding features to this project over time. I hope it is as useful to others as the previous script was. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Add-on for:

  • blender 2.93

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