Drawrch 2025 #24: Grin

Martin · 3 days (11:35 PM · Mar 24, 2025)
An illustration of a man smiling and looking off to the right. The man's head is tilted slightly toward the viewer and turned to the right. His mouth is slightly open, as if he is laughing. He has a light complexion, brown hair, dark eyes, and is wearing a white shirt and a chain necklace. He has some stubble on his cheek and chin. He is being lit largely from behind by the sun, leaving hard highlights on both sides of his head. The background is a dark sky blue, fading sharply to near white at the middle, towards the top.

Today's Drawrch is of a reference image I've been wanting to do for a while now - almost this entire project! - but every time I considered it, I ended up chickening out.

It's a tough one because of the asymmetry of the man's eyes, the almost warped shape of his mouth, and the lower resolution of the source image itself. But I like it too because the man has a very defined look, the angle of his face is interesting, and his expression is easy to read.

I finally worked up the courage to try it tonight, and I'm glad I did. It's not perfect, but it captures the essence of the reference pretty well in my opinion. Someday I'll make a video comparing all of these to their references, and we'll truly find out how close I got! 😎

Anyway, this was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Inka brush for linework, and the Soft air brush for gradients. At the end, I also made some use of Procreate's filters, adding noise and blurring it as an overlay.

The photo I used as a reference for this drawing is from SketchDaily.

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