With Inktober behind me, I'm back to chronicling my adventures in games, game development, and other art. This time, I'm reporting in on my progress with Mass Effect: Andromeda, which I've been chipping away at each night.
I'm happy to say that I'm about done with the game - the mission I'm about to start has informed me that I can continue exploring the Heleus cluster once I've finished it, which I assume means it's the final conflict. I've put in a little over 70 hours at this point, diligently completing every side mission and exploring every location, sometimes to the point where a night's session is spent almost entirely running around the Nexus, talking to various NPC's and closing out quests.
I'll write about this more soon, but I've enjoyed most of my time with Andromeda. It took a long time for me to really warm up to it, but I've had fun with the missions, and the story turned out to be pretty interesting. I've gone from hating the Angara to feeling sorry for them, though the final mission may add a further twist to their plight - we shall see, I guess.
I'm going to go try to finish things up. It feels good to be free of my daily illustrations for a moment!