Too Many Fall Releases

Martin · 16 years

I logged in and updated my games list to represent my recent game-buying spree. I added the following games:

  • Audiosurf (only $2.49 this week on Steam, thanks for the heads up, Xot!)
  • Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
  • Commander Keen Complete Pack
  • Fable 2
  • Gears of War 2

I've still got one or two more I want to pick up, and like I've mentioned before, a couple others I'm putting on my Christmas list, but I'm really starting to get progressively angrier at game publishers for this mess. Seriously - I know everyone wants to have big sales for the holidays, but pace yourselves please! We can't all go out and buy a dozen games in one month, and many great games are going to suffer from poor sales because of this ridiculous overlap.

Penny Arcade summed it up pretty nicely here. It's eerie how similar this comic looks to my Google calendar where I've marked all the upcoming games I'm interested in.

Oh well. That's all for now. I'm feeling a bit under the weather and I need to recover... which means less time spent blogging, and more time spent laying on the couch, complaining to my girlfriend, and of course, playing games. Just gotta make sure I fit some rest in there somewhere!

Gears of War 2

Martin · 16 years

Yup, that's an actual screenshot above (and below). Gears of War 2 is officially the best-looking game ever.

And though I'm only part of the way through the game right now, it's obvious to me that Epic went out of its way this time around to deliver gamers from the dull grayish browns that so many have complained about as the cliche of "next-gen" gaming. Color has been infused into the war-torn atmosphere of Gears and coupled with the incredible detail has helped make Gears 2 the best-looking game of all time.

I should mention that it's also fun. The few new guns that have been added, a flamethrower, minigun, and mortar, along with the new poison grenade and mobile cover system are welcome additions to the game. There are new enemies to blast, huge levels to explore, and more story and cut-scene elements as well. Many parts of the game that remain from the original game have been re-tooled, and the game has a much more grand ("Epic?") feeling to it than the first.

The only thing I've been disappointed with so far (aside from a small plot point which would be a slight spoiler, so I won't mention here), has been the game's music. It sounds great, and I love that Epic stuck with the orchestral tunes, but it doesn't have the character the music from the first game had - it seems more like background music, rather than part of the action. To me, that kind of sucks. To others, they may not even notice it, or they might appreciate the change of pace. It's a small irk to be sure, so I wouldn't worry about it if you're planning on buying the game and you still haven't gotten it yet (for shame!).

Anyway, I'm going to get back to playing... as well as to a few other domestic tasks. A pile of dishes in the kitchen is calling my name, and I've got a few things I want to box up tonight - I'm moving to a new apartment soon!

If you have the game and you're on my Xbox friends list, drop me an invite sometime - I've been ignoring them up to this point, but I think I'm ready to play online now. Thanks for reading, and maybe I'll see you in-game!

You've probably already heard, but the United States has finally decided to move forward, and we are doing so with President Barack Obama!

Congratulations to Mr. Obama, and to everyone who donated time or money to the campaign - you guys earned it. I feel better about my country already!

We've yet to see how the propositions on California's ballot will turn out, but I'm sure we'll find out soon.

A Long, Hard Election

Martin · 16 years

Did I get you with that title?

Jokes aside, I'd like to take a timeout from my normal routine of game-oriented material to write a quick note about how important the upcoming elections are, and how I'm voting on a few key initiatives.  There are important propositions on the ballot for California, and of course, the general election for the presidency.

Yes on Prop 2 - Improved treatment of farm animals

I can't see how anyone who has seen the horrific videos that have surfaced over the last few years of sickly cows being bullied around with forklifts and birds being force fed gross amounts of food couldn't be concerned about the handling of our nation's food supply while it's still living and breathing.  Animals who are raised for human consumption deserve better, and Prop 2 is a step in the right direction for that.

No on Prop 4 - Forcing pregnant minors to wait 48 hours and obtain parental consent before having an abortion

Conservatives have been trying to slowly chip way at women's rights and women's right to health care by throwing these kinds of laws at voters, without a worry for the real people affected by them or the problems they pose.  Pregnant teenagers in troubled homes would be forced to make matters worse, and potentially violent, by being required to inform their parents about their pregnancy before having it terminated.  Prop 4 only serves to make hard times worse, and further erodes women's rights in the process.

No on Prop 8 - Altering the definition of marriage in the California state constitution

Prop 8 seeks to change the definition of marriage in the California state constitution from "two people" to "a man and a woman."  The fact that this state recognizes same-sex marriage from a legal standpoint does not weaken the religious institution of marriage.  It does not force churches to recognize or perform same-sex marriages.  And it does not mandate teaching of same-sex marriage in schools.

I'm not gay, and I have very few friends who are, but anyone can see how plainly an encroachment this proposition is on basic civil rights.  This kind of legislation is one step away from disallowing couple of different race to marry, and I am completely disgusted that this legislative trash gets put on the ballot every election.

Barack Obama for President of the United States

Over the last 8 years, the United States has been on a collision course.  Our country used to have good-standing and was seen as a pillar of strength and democracy in the world; now we are despised by many, and are viewed as the source of much of the world's strife.  Our president is not respected at home or abroad.  Our economy is in shambles.  And many of our young men and women who placed their lives and faith in our military are stuck in Iraq, fighting a war which has no conditions for victory.

The United States needs a president who brings something new to the table, and who gets there without grinding people together to create division and disunity.  We need someone who will bring our troops home safely, and without leaving Iraq in a worse condition than it was before we invaded.  We need someone who has a good plan for restoring the economy, and for the future of the nation as a whole.

We need Barack Obama.  And tomorrow I will be casting my vote for him.  I hope that you will join me, and that we might push this country back in the right direction and create history in one fell swoop.
So let's fix America!  Don't forget to get out and vote tomorrow if you haven't already!

Happy Halloween!

Martin · 16 years

This is just a short post - I hope everyone had a great Halloween this year! I know I did, and I didn't even go trick-or-treating!

I was quite surprised when I fired up Steam yesterday and found that Valve had released the intro movie for Left 4 Dead, a game which looks like it's going to be tons of fun. The video looks good and scary, and it makes the wait for this game even more tough than before!

There are so many games coming out lately though... it's getting difficult to spend time on all of them. Hopefully after the holidays are all over, we'll get some sort of reprieve while game developers get back to working on next year's line-up of hits.

I'll be back here later to post about tomorrow's elections, I think. There's just too much going on not for me to comment about it at some point. Until then, thanks for reading, and enjoy the L4D video above!

Taking the new demo for a test drive. Pun intended.

After a long evening of dishwashing, laundry-doing, and paperwork-filling-outing, I finally got a chance to fire up my Xbox 360 yesterday to try out a demo for a game I've had my eye on for a few months now: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.

I have to say that so far, that this game looks like it will be completely awesome.

For the uninitiated, Nuts & Bolts is a sequel of sorts to the original duo of 3D platform games for the N64. The first game in the series introduced the oddly-paired Banjo (the bear) and Kazooie (the bird in Banjo's backpack) and had players exploring a large non-linear 3D world collecting jigsaw pieces. The game played very similarly to other games of the period, like Mario 64, only with an added emphasis on story and humor. Banjo-Kazooie was a fun, ground-breaking experience, and won two awards at the 1999 Interactive Achievement Awards, for Console Action/Adventure and Art Direction. The original Banjo-Kazooie was released in 1998.

The second game, Banjo-Tooie (see what they did there?), followed two years later in 2000. And though the gameplay mechanic was not dramatically different from the first game, Tooie was met with great acclaim.

Ten years later, Nuts & Bolts has finally landed as a demo on Xbox Live, and the full game looms in the distance, only a week and a half away. I've been anxious to try this game out, as I've always enjoyed N64 era 3D platformers, and I've been wanting to check out the vehicle creation system Rare crafted.

Nuts & Bolts takes the classic platforming play of old and throws vehicles into the mix - vehicles that you design yourself. As you explore the world and complete tasks, you're given an ever-expanding arsenal of parts from which you can construct vehicles of all shapes, sizes, and utility. At any point in the game, you can enter the garage to edit your vehicle. You can save and load different designs you've already created and edit all to your hearts content. With the release of the final game, you'll also be able to send plans to friends, so they can cruise around their game in vehicles of your design.

I played Nuts & Bolts demo for about 45 minutes, and I had a very good time with it. Lots is included in the 1Gb+ sampling, and I'll probably spend some more time with it this weekend.

The graphics in this game are excellent. Rare never ceases to amaze me in their ability to create rich, living environments, and Nuts & Bolts is just another example of their mastery over this skill. The character animation is nice and smooth, and you really get the sense of a real world that the old N64 games just couldn't do. My only complaint about the graphics so far, and this is really more of a design issue overall, is that the informational cut-scenes that explain the story and how the game works are all done in the same way as the old games - with lots of text, and squawking heads next to them - and no spoken dialogue. This may change in the final version of the game, but I really would have liked to see Rare put their obvious talents in animation to use and give us fully animated cut-scenes with actual dialogue. Other than this single caveat though, the game is visually incredible, from the anthropomorphic characters roaming around town to vast rolling hills with roads and ramps, it's all very beautiful.

I was also impressed by the audible quality of the demo. The sound effects are varied and appropriate, and the goofy little sounds Banjo and Kazooie make as they traverse the world put a big smile on my face. The music in the game is especially good, and I was glad to see that Grant Kirkhope and Robin Beanland (responsible for Viva Piñata and Conker's Bad Fur Day respectively) were behind it, since I have enjoyed a lot of their past works.

Control in Nuts & Bolts was solid, and felt very familiar to the way the older games did while I was running around on foot. Vehicular controls are similar to most other 360 games you've played, using the analog should buttons for gas and brake, and the left and right sticks for direction and camera control. The vehicle I played around with felt a little slow, but since I was only playing the beginning stages of the game, and thus had the lowest power engine on my car, this seemed appropriate. Building cars was also a snap, and within only a few minutes I was jumping in and out of the garage, experimenting with all sorts of configurations. Anyone who's ever used built something with Legos before will feel right at home.

All in all, I came away from my initial run-through of the Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts demo very impressed. I was intrigued by the handful of screens and video that were released a few months ago but wasn't sure if the game would be very much fun or not. After having played the demo, I feel silly for having worried about this at all - Nuts & Bolts is looking to be a lot of fun, and I can only imagine how crazy the later part of the game will get as you gather more and more diverse parts for your vehicle crafting.

Jump on Xbox Live and try out the demo for yourself - if you go into it with an open mind, and looking for some genuine fun, you won't be disappointed. Let me know what you think if you do!

Wassup 2008

Martin · 16 years

My boss sent me the link to this video earlier today. It's a classic update to a classic set of commercials.

I actually thought the last bit was somewhat touching. It's funny at how big a difference 8 years can make, huh?

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Time Keeps On Slippin’

Martin · 16 years

October is drawing to a close, and I'm questioning the future of my newest project, as far as its status as a YYG Competition #4 entry is concerned.

I'll be the first to admit that this is not an entirely unexpected outcome - my project was a bit ambitious. I still want to complete it someday, as I think the game concept is a good one, and I really liked the way the game was turning out. Unfortunately, with my trips to Vegas and BlizzCon, and lots of my free time being spent with my girlfriend as we search for a place to live together, I've not been able to devote the necessary time to Game Maker, and I don't want to be stuck trying to rush the game out, since it is still going to require a lot of artwork and programming.

Not all is lost, however.

A few days ago I came up with a decent idea for a smaller game, and if I have the time, I'll throw it together for the competition.

Since only a handful of people got a chance to play the other game, I'll post a demo here later for anyone who's interested in trying it out. It's nothing more than a driving engine with some simple collisions currently, but as I mentioned, I would like to expand on it eventually.

The whole year of 2008 has been like this for me, actually. I've begun (and continued) many projects, including the site update for Reflect, a new version of the Reflect system itself, a few games, and some paintings; disappointingly, hardly any of it has gotten finished. I suspect that much of it has to do with my limited time for personal projects, an issue that's been troubling me for quite a while now.

I don't blame most of my day-to-day obligations, however - I enjoy spending time with my girlfriend very much, and I waste a lot of time playing games and surfing the web to wind down, which is absolutely necessary to my continued sanity.

Other things though, like my daily commute, are increasingly annoying to me - I lose almost two and a half hours per day just driving to and from work. It's quite frustrating that, as a creative person, I have such sparing time for actually being creative.

Ugh. I hate that feeling I get when I have a project I've worked very hard on, but which I won't be able to finish for now. It's all part of the process, I know, but that doesn't make it taste any less bitter.

Anyway, I'll be posting updates on my competition #4 work as (and if) it progresses. Thanks to everyone who has supported me in my work thus far, and thanks for reading the blog! I shall find the time to finish some of my projects - it just takes time!

A new trailer for Gears of War 2, this one to be the official commercial for the game, was released yesterday. "Last Day" features the musical talents of DeVotchKa, and shows the various members of the Cog army as they prepare for and embark on the next war against their subterranean opponents.

I liked the "Mad World" commercial better I think, but this one seems to highlight the actual game just a smidgen more. I like that it shows most of the main characters, and again appears to be rendered completely inside the game engine, a credit to the beauty of Unreal Engine 3 and Epic's graphical abilities alike. It's hard not to be excited about Gears 2; this game is going to be awesome!

I've included the Mad World trailer, in case anyone hasn't seen it. Truly a great piece of marketing.

No Spamk You

Martin · 16 years

Ugh, that title is terrible. Sorry.

I just wanted to report that over the last 24 hours, Marty Blog got slammed with over 100 comment spam messages. You didn't see any of them, thanks to WordPress Hashcash. Instead, I got to privately view them all (at one point I was getting about one spam comment a minute), and I deleted every last one of them. I also deleted a post which I think was the catalyst for all of them, a generic comment made on my old post about the Spore Creature Creator. It's funny how whenever I post about more popular games at the time, the blog starts getting hit with a temporary surge of spam.

In any case, the spam comments have since slowed down, and I've only had one or two to delete all day. It seems all is well once again.

Oh, and I also picked up Fable 2 on my lunch hour today. A bunch of good reviews (and an undying love for the original game) can go a long way I suppose. I'll report on that later once I get a chance to play it.