Drawgust 2024 #1: Black & White

Martin · 238 days (12:04 AM · Aug 2, 2024)
A black and white illustration, meant to look like it was done in ink, featuring the word "Drawgust" with the letters cascading down the image from top left to bottom right. There is a black block with lots of hashing and squiggly hair-like lines emanating from it. At the top is a cartoon silhouette of me looking tired and nervous, with stars, a planet, and the moon all in smaller shapes around me. There is a sneaky, smiling cat on the left, hanging on the R and A. On the lower left, a hand is seen coming out of the messy black splotch, holding a stylus over a blank tablet. An hourglass can be seen behind the tablet, and there are other stars, planets and squiggles around. There is a small game controller under the D, and silhouettes of young plants growing on the lower serif of the T.

I'm back with another drawing project, Drawgust!

This one might be a bit different from the last few. I haven't done Drawgust since 2021, and I've resurrected it for 2024. But I want to try something a little less hectic for me, so I think this one will be only when I can and when I'm feeling particularly inspired.

Will that mean I do one every day? Maybe, but probably not. August is shaping up to be kind of a busy month for me with work and life, so we'll see!

Anyway, here we go! 😎

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, and the Rusty Nib 1 brush for everything else. You can find that brush in the Rusty Nib pack from True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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