Drawgust 2024 #15: A View At The Park

Martin · 211 days (9:44 PM · Aug 25, 2024)
A black and white illustration of a woman standing slumped, staring down at her phone, while her child goes crazy behind her. The woman has her hair up in a bun and looks disconnected from the world. Her belly is slightly visible because of her bad posture pulling her shirt up. The child behind her has his mouth open so wide his eyes are hidden, with his nose at the top of his head. He has his arms up and one leg kicking out, and there is a large word bubble coming from him with only three large exclamation points in it. A gray half circle fills the space behind them.

Today's Drawgust illustration is a thing I saw at the park today. Exaggerated just a little. 😆

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 brush for linework, and the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light, Old Beach, and Hartz brushes for shading. I also used the Splatter spray paint brush for some light effects at the end.

The Rusty Nib and Rough Dot Shader brushes are from the Rusty Nib pack and the Beat Tones pack, by True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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