Drawrch 2024 #3: Night Lights

Martin · 1 year (11:29 PM · Mar 3, 2024)
An illustration of a woman looking to the left. The woman has a light complexion, blond hair, and hazel eyes. She has a green top and black necklace, and she is lit by bright lights of a city at night. The background is a blur of color and points of light.

Today's Drawrch illustration came in late again - I got started late and it took 2 hours to finish - but I'm happy with how it turned out!

Normally I don't go for much airbrushing, but I think it really helped bring out some dimension with this one. It's cool how just a tiny touch of light or dark here and there really helped make it pop. The hair is a little funky, but whatever. It's done and tomorrow's drawing needs to be simpler!

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Syrup brush for linework, and the Soft and Hard airbrushes for gradients and background details. I used the smudge tool with the Soft airbrush as well, to smooth out the highlights in the hair.

The photo I used as a reference for this drawing is from SketchDaily.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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