Drawrch #3

Martin · 3 years (9:33 PM · Mar 3, 2022)

For my third Drawrch illustration, I wanted to try something a little different from my normal cartoons.

Usually, I don't draw with tapered lines. I love it when artists use them, but I haven't practiced it much myself, so I have a hard time controlling the width of the lines as I draw. Concentrating on regulating the pen pressure isn't something that comes naturally to me; when I work with physical materials, I almost always use a gel ink pen, and I press uniformly hard.

My lack of experience with tapered lines also means that I often have to spend a lot of time thinking about where lines should begin/end, where they should taper off, where I can get away with splitting broad strokes in two, etc.

So I thought I'd give myself a small challenge today and draw with tapered lines. I used a brush called Baskerville, which creates very sharp edges. It also has some extreme stroke smoothing that took a little getting used to.

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, and I'm looking forward to spending more time with this brush. It may become a part of my standard brushes.

As always, here's a time-lapse of my progress creating this illustration:

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