Februdoodle 2023 #27: Island Paradise

Martin · 2 years (10:14 PM · Feb 27, 2023)

For my twenty-seventh Februdoodle illustration, I drew an island paradise (inside a bottle).

I can't believe this project is almost over! I've been weighing continuing the effort into March over the last couple of days, but it took a lot to get this one done - and in the end it's still not quite how I would have liked it. I think my creative fuel tank is just running a little dry.

While I was drawing this one, I also realized just how much I've grown to like doing my "ink" work with the Sryup brush. I used to use the modified Mercury brush that I used for this illustration almost exclusively, in part because the clumpy nature of the texture it has reminded me of the gel pens I used to use when I'd draw on paper, and in part because the texture hides the imperfections in the lines.

I think that the Mercury brush variant I used to use had a more uniform thickness to it though, because I had a hard time controlling that with this one. In places where I wanted the lines to go thinner, I found the virtual ink running super thin and splotchy, which looked bad and made it harder to fill with color later on. Oh well!

Like all the others, this was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, a modified Mercury brush for linework, and the Hartz and Splatter spray paint brushes for background texture, with a few assists from the Soft air brush here and there.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

Just one more to go!

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