GDC 2009 is Approaching!

Martin · 16 years (5:14 PM · Feb 9, 2009)

I went home this weekend to check on my dad, and to give my mom my tax papers (she lovingly does them for me). I had fun hanging out with them and my brother, and got to spend a good bit of time finishing up reading Lord of the Rings and exploring DC in Fallout 3. I got back to my apartment late in the afternoon on Sunday, helped my girlfriend clean up the place a bit, and got ready for the week.

When I was home, I noticed that my brother had gotten a piece of mail about attending GDC 2009 (he went with me last year). My mail has been delayed by a couple of days lately because of my change of address a few months ago, so not yet having received this piece of mail, I was curious. The flyer turned out to be a small poster with one side covered by a huge GDC 2009 image, and the other a collection of information on the upcoming conference, with promises of a discount for early registration.

The deadline for this reduction? February 12. Only 4 days away!

So now I find myself waiting for my mail to come in (so I can get my early registration discount code), and trying to decide if I want to attend this year. I had a good time checking out the expo floor last year, so I'd definitely like to do that again. It was fun seeing all the new technology different companies had to offer, as well as seeing all the creative indie games on display.

But do I really want to spend $175, especially since I can only attend one day (I have a job, after all)? Decisions, decisions.

Anyone else planning on going? Know of something (or someone) that'll be at the conference that'll make it totally worth going? Let me know while I decide!

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