Happy Holidays

Martin · 15 years (1:27 PM · Dec 21, 2009)

Well, that last post was a doozy. A bit of a hard act to follow, eh?

Jokes aside, that last post really was partially to blame for my recent hiatus from posting here. After the fallout over the old-new Game Maker logo settled, the dust cleared, and (some of) the anger subsided, YoYo Games stated that they'd be open to suggestions for altering the new logo. So, I helped produce a topic on the Game Maker Community to get everyone's suggestions in one place, and we eventually ended up putting logos to vote and submitting them to YYG as the community's official suggestions.

As many of you might already know, it worked out well, Sandy Duncan/YYG liked our ideas, and they ended up changing the logo. It was a great accomplishment for the GMC, and I am glad that we were all able to come together and set things right - but keeping it all organized left me quite exhausted. That, and I have had a lot of other work to do lately, helping a friend get a website off the ground, working on my own games/projects, doing the last Reflect Games game development competition of the year, fixing my laptop, shopping for the holidays, etc.

So the blog got left behind a bit. I did manage to sneak in and fix up some of the graphics on the theme. It's that time where I've started wanting to change it (again, I know), but a quick refresh of the sloppy parts has satisfied my urge to change it for now.

Most of the things I mentioned above are over or winding down now though, so I'm hoping that after the holidays I'll have more time to play with Game Maker, website development (yes, the ongoing Reflect Games website is still in the works!), and other related stuff. It's just been a busy time.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll be updating the blog again before the bulk of the holidays hit, so I just wanted to wish everyone out there a happy holiday and a good new year! I hope the end of 2009 turns out to be well for everyone!

Thanks for reading, and I will see you all in 2010!


  • T-Bird says:

    I thought the cartoon in the header was new…

    And are you building a ground-up forum or what? :P

    Jokes aside, thanks for the hard work that I get to sit back and benefit from.

    • Martin says:

      Hehe, yeah I kinda went stealthy with my latest graphical refresh. I like the style of it now, but I still wish it was something else. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not I want to replace my entire existing website (martincrownover.com) with the blog, and just convert all that content over, but if I do that, I want the blog to be… more that it is now, somehow. We’ll see.

  • xot says:

    Happy Holidays, Marty!

    Great work on the logo fiasco, by the way. I’m amazed at how well everything worked out. It’s so hard to please everyone (well, impossible), especially among the Game Maker Community, but by and large, dissenters not only accept the new logo, but have embraced it fully. It’s kind of spooky.

    • Martin says:

      Thanks Xot, happy holidays to you too!

      I too was pretty amazed at how well the logo thing worked out. I really just expected the whole thing to placate the community (and myself) for making a positive suggestion, and maybe work its way into a few final tweaks for the new YYG logo, and not a complete change-out.

      I’m happy it worked out the way it did though. If you’ll pardon my sounding like an after school special for a second, I think it set a good example for a lot of people in the community to show that if we put the emotional stuff on hold and just act smart and logically, we can accomplish great things.

      My thanks to GMC for collectively keeping most of the negative stuff out of those discussions, and of course to Sandy and Mark for being open to our suggestions and giving me a chance to help get GM8 out!

  • monocledsardine says:

    I too was surprised by how well the logo topic went, not to mention the fact that the new logo was accepted almost instantaneously. The whole logo thing was like a big glitch in Yoyogames – it stunned everyone for a moment, and a week later, it was gone. Anyway, glad to hear you’re soon to be back at work (Game making work, that is), and happy holidays!

  • Beneibe says:


    Happy New Year! You have a high quality blog and Reflect Games has very consistently top notch games.

    Not sure this is the best place to ask but I’m too lazy to get an email or something from you. I was wondering if you ever got your free GM8 activation code for being a finalist in the Logo Competition. Did you? I have not and I wasn’t sure if I was skipped some how or if Sandy is slow/forgetful as usual. Respond here or email me at B.J.Laird@gmail.com


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