I was cleaning out my email tonight and I saw that I had a survey from my healthcare provider. I'm one for filling out surveys, so I jumped in and started answering questions. And they were interesting.
All of them asked you to rate whether you:
- Agree completely
- Agree somewhat
- Neither agree nor disagree
- Disagree somewhat
- Disagree completely
Pretty standard. But here are some of the questions they asked:
- Prescription medications are the only remedies that I trust.
- I always follow the advice of healthcare professionals; they are the experts.
- I prefer home or natural remedies (acupuncture, eastern medicine, etc.) over pharmaceuticals.
- I avoid vaccines for me and my family.
- I would rather seek medical advice from my own personal research than from the doctor.
There were others that were a little more general, such as one asking whether you use CBD or THC to medicate, if going to the doctor gives you anxiety, etc. But I definitely feel like my provider is trying to feel out whether or not the respondents among its subscribers are turning away from modern medicine and embracing woo.
Man, am I sick of the anti-intellectual crowd. I answered a lot of questions with "Disagree completely".