Inktober 2023 #23: Celestial

Martin · 1 year (11:25 PM · Oct 23, 2023)

Here's my Inktober illustration for today's prompt, "celestial". I spent all day brainstorming this one, and eventually thought I might pick one of the constellations and draw it in some weird way... but I couldn't settle on any of them, and then this idea popped into my head.

I didn't want to draw an astronaut. I didn't want to draw hands. I didn't want to draw foreshortened hands, arms, and legs. The idea was too good though, so I did it anyway - and I really like how it turned out!

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Syrup brush for linework, the Medium Nozzle spray paint brush for shading, and the Tarraleah brush for the background mask.

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