Inktober 2024 #27: Road

Martin · 117 days (9:36 PM · Oct 27, 2024)
An illustration of a man driving his car down a road, towards his home. The man and car are drawn in a retro cartoon style with an oversized cab on the car and everything in silhouette. They are in the lower-right corner of the picture. The road is drawn flat, without perspective, and travels left from under the car, up, right, down, and left again, making 90-degree turns and diminishing in size each time. There is a small cartoon house on an oval at the end of the road, with a door, square window, and angled chimney with smoke coming out. To the right of the road and above the car are pine trees, and the central area around the road is peppered with stylized grass drawn in 3-blade tufts. The background of the image is a bright blue that gets lighter in the middle, with bits of darker blue grit.

I was sort of happy to see today's Inktober prompt, "road", pop up on the list, because it felt like it could go in a number of places.

For a while, I'd settled on the idea of drawing the Rainbow Road from Super Mario Kart, but when I sat down to actually draw, I looked up reference images for it and just felt uninspired. So I went with a sort of retro-style illustration instead, and I kind of love the simplicity of it.

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Syrup brush for linework, the Soft air brush for shading, and the Worn 1 - Bold brush for background texture.

That last one is from the Fast Grit brush pack by True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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