Inktober 2024 #6: Trek

Martin · 146 days (10:37 PM · Oct 6, 2024)
An illustration of a person walking in the distance, having traveled over a number of small hills/undulations, leaving a trail of footprints over each one in a series of arcs. The closest hill is a red-orange color, followed by orange, pale yellow, light turquoise, blue green, and finally a dark blue. The sky in the background is a lavender color. The rims of the hills and sky are speckled with texture. Some small stars dot the sky near the edges. The person is drawn in a very basic silhouette, almost as a stick figure.

I had a hard time coming up with a visual idea for this Inktober illustration but ended up taking a slightly different route from the previous drawings in the series. It's a little basic, but I still like how it turned out.

The colors are based on some of the tiles on the Azul (board game) box, which was sitting next to me on the table where I was drawing tonight.

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Syrup brush for linework, and the Medium Nozzle spray paint brush for texture.

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