I've spent an unfortunate portion of my weekend putting together a new theme for the blog - and here it is!
If you notice any quirks with the new theme, please let me know - I'm so tired of looking at CSS and PHP I can't be sure that I've gotten everything fixed (aside from the login screen, will do that soon).
Anyway, hope everyone likes it! I'm off to play some Xbox... or pretty much anything else that doesn't involve me sitting at my computer.
Am I anything? I’d like to be a snowflake.
Nice. I like the border glow vs. a typical drop shadow. The new header is cool too. Coincidentally updating my theme as well right now. Black is definitely the new black.
P.S. I want that photo. Is that yours? I must have it for my jigsaw game. It is required.
The picture is actually one I just found on Google… and good news – I think it might be royalty free.
Image & Image in context
Wow, that picture is so huge it gave me an idea for a new game mode. Strange, the overview says CC:Public Domain, but the caption says CC:Attribution-Share Alike. Either should work for me. Thanks for the info, that site will no doubt prove to be a treasure trove of good puzzle pics.
No prob, glad I could help! :)
Gimme your XBox Live name. I wanna play you in some halo 3.
My Xbox Live name is martythecrow20, if anyone wants to add me. Not sure if I’ll be up for Halo 3 soon, but you never know. You’d probably kick my butt at it anyway. :D
Don’t be surprised if you win. I just got halo 3.
Wow what a shock, looks fantastic. Marty Blog 4 life!
A few suggestions… the very top search bar and the links should move down slightly, I don’t know why, they just seem a bit… out of place.
Defiantly adding your xbox live :)
If i had frequent live access id add you lol
also i dont have the patience to put together such a big css file