One of These Things Is Not Like The Others

Martin · 15 years (10:22 AM · Aug 11, 2009)

We all have little fits of nostalgia now and then. And what better way to fulfill these odd urges than by jumping online and finding old videos on YouTube, toys on eBay, and DVD collections on Amazon?

So it was that I found myself browsing Amazon the other day, looking at old cartoons. Something I'd read that morning reminded me of an old cartoon I'd enjoyed as a kid, Doug, and I wanted to see if anyone ever got around to putting the series on DVD. This was one of those times when a mere search would satisfy my curiosity; no purchases were to be made.

I pulled up Amazon, typed in the word "Doug", and a few moments later was looking down a long list of cartoons and shows, many of which I remember watching in my youth.

The list read like a lineup of classic Nickelodeon shows: Doug, Ren & Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold!, The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Rugrats, Losing Control, The Secret World of... er, wait. Losing Control?

A softcore porno. In the middle of my Doug search results!

I find this completely hilarious. Right smack-dab in the middle of a bunch of cartoon DVD collections is some random adult DVD, which I can only surmise is there because one of the actors is named Doug Jeffery. A page or two down, the same search also yielded a Girls Gone Wild video, which apparently included "commentary" by comedian Doug Stanhope.

Maybe all those Bing commercials are right - perhaps we are indeed suffering from Search Overload Syndrome.


  • kc lc says:

    Funny, but not surprising, since you searched “all departments”. Searching TV & Movies for “doug + cartoon” is safer.

    Speaking of search engine mishaps: my Aunt used to travel for her job. She wanted to make reservations for her trip to France so she used Google.

    Her first search was “paris”.

    “My God! Who is THAT?”, she gasped. Since she wasn’t aware of pop culture, I explained it to her. Then I recommended she narrow her search with the name of her hotel.

    Unfortunately, her next search was “paris + hilton”.

    “Cripes, this is even worse!”, she cried. So I recommended she narrow it again with another term.

    So she tried “paris + hilton + vacation”.

    “Now she’s on the beach at Maui!. What does this have to do with visiting Paris? Google is useless.”

    • Martin says:

      Haha, yeah I could see that happening. She’d probably find the unexpected results of my search more tasteful than the horrors she found with her vacation search!

  • Desert says:


    Sometimes you just never get what you’re looking for, eh?

  • Zeon says:

    Lol this made my day

  • Schyler says:

    Typical whenever you’re searching for anything meaningfully.

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