All posts tagged Drawgust

A black and white illustration of a woman standing slumped, staring down at her phone, while her child goes crazy behind her. The woman has her hair up in a bun and looks disconnected from the world. Her belly is slightly visible because of her bad posture pulling her shirt up. The child behind her has his mouth open so wide his eyes are hidden, with his nose at the top of his head. He has his arms up and one leg kicking out, and there is a large word bubble coming from him with only three large exclamation points in it. A gray half circle fills the space behind them.

Today's Drawgust illustration is a thing I saw at the park today. Exaggerated just a little. 😆

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 brush for linework, and the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light, Old Beach, and Hartz brushes for shading. I also used the Splatter spray paint brush for some light effects at the end.

The Rusty Nib and Rough Dot Shader brushes are from the Rusty Nib pack and the Beat Tones pack, by True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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A black and white illustration of a cartoon rabbit sitting on a toilet looking at his phone. The viewer is positioned near floor level, near the rabbit's feet. He has on a gray shirt and his pants are around his ankles, with only the toes of his shoes poking out. He is resting his elbows on his knees, with his left hand hold his phone and his right hand crossed over to his other knee. He has a blank look on his face. The letters "BRB", which stand for "be right back", are drawn in large block lettering to the lower right of the image, under the back of the toilet.

Here's my fourteenth illustration for Drawgust: Be Right Back!

I'm not sure why I started and stuck with drawing rabbits for this project, but it's fun. I sort of like having that be a thread that ties many of these together.

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 brush for linework, and the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light and Old Beach brushes for shading.

The Rusty Nib and Rough Dot Shader brushes are from the Rusty Nib pack and the Beat Tones pack, by True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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A black and white illustration of a Care Bear smoking a cigarette and standing against a wall, looking tired. The Care Bear has a poop emoji on his chest where the emblem would normally go, and he is point up at some text on the wall behind him. The wall has a large black splotch of paint, with lettering in streaking white paint over it. The letters read "don't stop caring", and the 'I' is dotted with a small heart.

For my thirteenth Drawgust illustration, I drew a tired bear who has some sound advice for all of us!

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 brush for linework, the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light brush for shading, and the Tarraleah and Hartz brushes for some additional texture.

The Rusty Nib and Rough Dot Shader brushes are from the Rusty Nib pack and the Beat Tones pack, by True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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A black and white illustration of a rabbit leaning back with his hands behind his head and eyes closed while piloting a small jet aircraft. The back of the jet has a large flame propelling it, and a huge black smoke cloud is trailing off. Out of view, the smoke cloud curves down and back into the frame, passing directly underneath the rabbit. The words "cool your jets" are written in white over the smoke.

My twelfth Drawgust illustration is all about taking it easy while piloting a small, single-person aircraft.

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 brush for linework, and the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light brush for shading.

Those brushes are from the Rusty Nib pack and the Beat Tones pack, by True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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A black and white illustration of an egret, with its mouth open in surprise, behind a rolling banner that says "no egrets" on it. Feathers are flying around above and in front of the banner. The lettering on the banner is done in a gothic style.

After a couple of really busy (and tiring) days, I'm back with this Drawgust beauty. It's sort of like a dad joke and a tattoo melded together. Bask in its glory.

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 brush for linework, and the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light brush for shading.

Those brushes are from the Rusty Nib pack and the Beat Tones pack, by True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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A black and white illustration of a traditional metal garbage can that is overflowing with a giant stack of garbage bags piled up inside. The lid of the garbage can is resting askew on top of the bags, and a small raccoon is leaning out from behind the bags, on the left, looking up at them. There are two bags sitting on the ground partially behind the garbage can, three bent-up soda cans, and a small puddle of unknown liquid on the left. The words "take out the trash" are stacked down the right side of the image, with tall, thin, stylized lettering. A thin arrow drops from under the word trash and juts to the right.

My latest Drawgust illustration is all about taking out the trash. Never have I found such inspiration from menial household chores!

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 brush for linework, and the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light brush for shading.

Those brushes are from the Rusty Nib pack and the Beat Tones pack, by True Grit Texture Supply

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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Drawgust 2024 #9: Shark Bait

Martin · 225 days
A black and white illustration of a shark looking at a glowing, fish-like shape in front of it, bearing its teeth and grinning. The fish shape is part of a pattern that fades to blackness, and appears to be the fin of a much larger shark, whose large, scowling eye is visible just below the first shark. A hint of a toothy grin on the larger shark is barely visible at the bottom of the image. The image is drawn in negative space over a black, inky rectangle centered in the image, and the water surface is visible at the top of the rectangle.

After taking the day off yesterday, I'm back with another Drawgust illustration. This one is of a shark staring down an easy meal, but it's not quite what he thinks.

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 and Rusty Nib 5 brushes for linework, and the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light, Rough Dot Shader 45/Dark, and Grainy Dot Shader 45/Light brushes for shading.

Those brushes are from the Rusty Nib pack and the Beat Tones pack, by True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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Drawgust 2024 #8: Tin Man

Martin · 226 days
A black and white illustration of a cartoon Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz holding up a human heart and staring at it inquisitively. The Tin Man's face has a puzzled expression, and he is holding his chin with his thumb and index finger. His eyes are hollow and an empty black. The heart is proportioned in a semi-realistic way, and lines to the sides of it indicate that it is still beating. Droplets of blood are flying out of it. A cartoon heart fills the background between the Tin Man's head and the heart, with a question mark made from negative space within.

So begins another week of Drawgust!

I'm not really sure what inspired today's illustration, but I like how it turned out. How did the Tin Man get ahold of a still-beating human heart? What does he do with it now? These are important questions that I do not have the answers to!

As always, this was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 brush for linework, and the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light brush for shading.

Those last two brushes are from the Rusty Nib pack and the Beat Tones pack, by True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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Drawgust 2024 #7: Tape

Martin · 227 days
A black and white illustration of a roll of tape that is resting on an invisible plane some distance from the viewer, with a line of unrolled tape trailing off towards the viewer. The tail has some lumps and folds and curls up into the air and back towards the roll at the end. The roll has a dark spool in the middle.

Today's Drawgust illustration is... a roll of tape!

This is one of those days where I might've skipped if I didn't come up with an idea before too long. I got started a bit late, and then didn't have much in the way of inspiration. This idea came to me though, and it was a quick draw. I like the simplicity!

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 brush for linework, and the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light brush for shading.

Those last two brushes are from the Rusty Nib pack and the Beat Tones pack, by True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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Drawgust 2024 #6: Roar

Martin · 228 days
A black and white illustration of a hand with a finger puppet on the index finger. The hand is facing the viewer, in a "number one" pose, with the index finger bent down slightly. At the end of the finger is a small, squat finger puppet of a tyrannosaurus rex. It has short, chubby arms, a goofy grin with teeth sticking out, and round eyes. There is a black circle in the background behind the finger puppet, and the word "roar" is spelled vertically down the right side of the image, next to the puppet and hand.

Today's Drawgust illustration is of a ferocious T-rex finger puppet!

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 brush for linework, and the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light brush for shading.

Those last two brushes are from the Rusty Nib pack and the Beat Tones pack, by True Grit Texture Supply.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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