All posts tagged health

Healthcare Survey

Martin · 3 years

I was cleaning out my email tonight and I saw that I had a survey from my healthcare provider. I'm one for filling out surveys, so I jumped in and started answering questions. And they were interesting.

All of them asked you to rate whether you:

  • Agree completely
  • Agree somewhat
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree somewhat
  • Disagree completely

Pretty standard. But here are some of the questions they asked:

  • Prescription medications are the only remedies that I trust.
  • I always follow the advice of healthcare professionals; they are the experts.
  • I prefer home or natural remedies (acupuncture, eastern medicine, etc.) over pharmaceuticals.
  • I avoid vaccines for me and my family.
  • I would rather seek medical advice from my own personal research than from the doctor.

There were others that were a little more general, such as one asking whether you use CBD or THC to medicate, if going to the doctor gives you anxiety, etc. But I definitely feel like my provider is trying to feel out whether or not the respondents among its subscribers are turning away from modern medicine and embracing woo.

Man, am I sick of the anti-intellectual crowd. I answered a lot of questions with "Disagree completely".

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Jib Jabbed

Martin · 3 years

I got my second COVID-19 vaccine shot yesterday - and though I'm feeling quite tired today, that seems to be the extent of the side effects for me.

Even though I've been lucky to work from home during all this (that's my normal routine), and my family and I have remained safe, it's been a long road to this point. It feels like the world has turned a corner on this and I hope things will get back to some semblance of normal soon.

If you're not vaccinated yet, please do so, if you can. And please continue following safety guidelines until it's safe to stop. We are getting there!