All posts tagged iPad Pro

Drawgust 2021 – Drawing 25

Martin · 3 years

I enjoy doing cartoons for my Drawgust illustrations because they're just easier - and I often don't have the time to spend on something super-detailed, so they help in that regard as well.

Still, sometimes I want to do one that's a little more advanced, so today's illustration is a more realistic origami paper crane.

I'm hoping that once this project is over and I have cast aside the time constraints imposed by doing a drawing a day, I can create some work that's a little bit more advanced. Until then, this is probably as close as I'll get!

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Drawgust 2021 – Drawing 22

Martin · 3 years

Here's my twenty-second illustration for Drawgust, featuring Nyan Cat meeting the edge of the canvas!

This week I'm open to using whatever colors I want, though I'm probably not going to be using as wide a range for each illustration as I did for this one. I was struggling for ideas for my first full-color drawing, and for some reason, Nyan Cat popped into my head - probably because of the rainbow.

Anyway, this is the final week (along with a couple of extra days) for Drawgust. I'm hoping I can finish strong!

Drawgust 2021 – Drawing 19

Martin · 3 years

It's become sort of a sad yearly tradition here in California, where every summer we have fires raging out of control all across the state. I feel terrible about the destruction and loss of human and animal life.

Last night I was outside watering the plants a bit late, after the sun had set, and I was surprised by the bright orange moon (made that way by all the smoke in the air. It inspired me to make today's Drawgust illustration:

I hope that the fires are under control again soon and that everyone stays safe out there!

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Drawgust 2021 – Drawing 18

Martin · 3 years

Here's my eighteenth illustration for Drawgust, a polluted stream!

Originally I wanted to have the two pipes spewing out different colors, and then have them mix as they flowed downstream, but as I drew, I felt like I didn't have enough differentiation in my colors (even when mixing) to have that look right. And I just didn't feel like doing it.

Still, I like the way this turned out. The garish colors make it look like an album cover or something.

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Drawgust 2021 – Drawing 17

Martin · 3 years

I've been thinking about doing this illustration every time I've been in the shower lately, but I was waiting for this week, where I would have more than one color to work with. This one's the wet shower glass, when the room is still steamy, just after that water's off.

And with that, I'm officially over the hump with Drawgust! The ideas of coming slower and slower, but I shall be back tomorrow with more. Thanks for checking it out!

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