All posts tagged Life Is Strange

The True Colors LARP

Martin · 3 years

I won't spoil the story for Life Is Strange: True Colors, but tonight I played through a section where the Haven community puts on a LARP for one of the town's kids, Ethan, and man was that touching.

This game is really great so far. It might be my favorite Life Is Strange game by the time I'm finished with it - thought Tell Me Why, which I consider an unofficial Life Is Strange game, is also right up there.

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Psychonauts 2 was a bit longer than I thought it was - which is great - but I'm on the last bit now and with that game almost behind me, I had to get a new one started. I mentioned this the other day - that game is Life Is Strange: True Colors.

I'm a pretty big fan of the series now, even though my play-through of the second game is on hiatus for now. They're really the closest thing you can get to a playable show without the entire thing being pre-recorded FMV. I like that they aren't that though, because it's fun to take things in at your own pace, and explore the game's world on your own. It also feels less on-rails, even when it's not.

So anyway, the latest game, True Colors, is pretty good so far. The story is interesting and the characters are believable. I've actually had some pretty good laughs at the humorous bits.

It's a little disappointing that the game runs at only 30 fps on my Xbox Series X, but you stop noticing it after a while (as long as you don't play something at 60+fps just before jumping in). It's a beautiful game, though.

Between this and Psychonauts 2, I've been getting a heaping helping of incredible Unreal Engine games lately.

I'll have more to say about this game later, I'm sure. For now though, being only a couple of hours in, I'm impressed.

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Game Juggling

Martin · 3 years

Join me as I juggle three games - Psychonauts 2, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Life Is Strange: True Colors - all at once!

To be fair, I'm just about done with Psychonauts 2. Still, I'll probably try to complete it and collect everything once I've beat the story, so... plenty of ground to cover still.