All posts tagged liquid

Progress Screenshot

Martin · 3 years

Just a quick progress screenshot, showing some minor improvements to this thing.

Now each node draws a line to where it is trying to go, and though you can't see it in the still shot, they all turn much more smoothly towards their goal as they make their way there.

I'm working on finalizing most of the attributes each node will have, as well as how much each can vary to make a node unique. More soon!


Martin · 3 years

I've been playing around with Flip Fluids, an addon for Blender that does liquid simulations that (seem to) go beyond what Blender's built-in liquid simulation can do. I've not made anything particularly mind-blowing yet, but I thought I'd post a render I made today just for fun. Behold: some orange-ish goop flooding down a staircase!