As you probably heard, Apple recently announced a new version of iTunes, iTunes 8. The new version adds a feature called "Genius," which is sort of a Pandora's Box/Last.fm rip-off that recommends more iTunes purchases based on your past iTunes purchases. The new update also serves to further bloat the iTunes + QuickTime package, to the tune of about 4mb, though I'll admit I don't quite remember how big prior iTunes + QuickTime downloads have been. 75mb seems excessive for a music player and a media format I care nothing about, though.
Oh, and don't forget about the pre-checked Safari in the "New Software" box. Nice try (again) Apple.

But wait, there's more! After my install, Apple Software Update re-checked for updates, and now it wants to add further garbage to my computer:

MobileMe Control Panel? What?
I don't own an iPhone or an iPod Touch. Why would I want (or need) a MobileMe control panel on my computer?
This is even further baffling because after the last iTunes update, I had MobileMe Control Panel installed in my Windows Control Panel, and I had not been informed or let alone, agreed to, any sort of MobileMe software installation. Now it has been covertly removed from my computer, and then added to the Apple Software Update utility.
Maybe other people share my feelings and don't like Apple sneaking their software onto my computer? Is Apple trying to assimilate my computer by adding small bits of it's software here and there, until one day I turn on my computer and I find I'm running Mac OS?
Either way, Apple is quickly overstaying its welcome on my computer, and I don't appreciate it. The next time I find random Apple software floating running in and out of my computer all willy-nilly, I'm uninstalling iTunes and using WinAmp.
Oh, and when I closed Apple Software Update, I we met with this gem:

Icing on the cake.