All posts tagged NES

I've been continuing to dig through my old Blender projects lately, and like the Piranha Plant I did a month ago, this Blaster Master tank looked primed for a re-work.

So I spent some time yesterday adding new details, re-working materials, and fixing some things that looked very unfinished in the original work. This is the end result!

The scene uses a mix of images and procedural textures, and I had a great time roughing things up. You can see it from all angles over at Sketchfab.

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Have you ever suffered from the so-called Tetris Effect?

If you've ever played Tetris for a prolonged amount of time, I bet you have. Don't worry, it's okay to admit it – you're in good company, as I am also a Tetris Effect survivor.

I actually found it quite funny that there's a name and an entry for the Tetris Effect (which is attributed to repetitive stress, whatever that is) on Wikipedia. I always thought it was just me who, after a long Tetris session, couldn't stop seeing the falling pieces and thinking about how to make good fits whenever I closed my eyes!

Anyway, I was recently going through some old stuff of mine up at my parents' house, and I came across an old watch I used to have as a kid – a Tetris game watch, to be more specific. It got me thinking about how much I love Tetris, so I thought it'd be interesting to reminisce a bit and figure out just how many different versions of Tetris I've played/acquired over the years. All in chronological order!

Tetris (NES)

One of the first games I ever played, Tetris on the NES served to kick off my life-long love for the game. I remember playing the game with my brother and dad, with each of us trying to out-do each other's high score. Much excitement occurred whenever one of us finished and we were treated to one of the rocket launch "congratulations" screens.

Tetris (watch)

This was the watch I mentioned above. The playing field was smaller than standard, there was no color, and the buttons were hard to press fast enough for later levels, but this was still a fun toy to have for long road trips. My grandparents got one of these for both my brother and I, if I remember correctly.

Tetris (Game Boy)

I was late to arrive to the Game Boy scene (my first Game Boy was a clearance Game Boy Pocket), so I didn't play Tetris on a true handheld until much later than most fans of the game. I enjoyed this version nonetheless, as it introduced me to one of the best things ever: Game Boy during bathroom breaks.

Tetris Worlds (GBA)

When I picked up Tetris Worlds for a measly $20, I figured that even if the game was slightly bad, as long as it stuck to the roots of Tetris, it couldn't be that bad. It turned out I was half right – the game wasn't all bad, but it lacked a lot of things that I expected from a Tetris title, and it introduced "Easy Spin," which let you keep a piece alive as long as you continued to rotate it where it landed. This feature doesn't break Tetris entirely for me, but in Tetris Worlds, it was implemented in such a way that made it almost impossible to lose.

Tetris (iPod)

Upon hearing about Tetris making an appearance on my 5th generation iPod, I was excited, but controlling Tetris with a click wheel sounded incredibly difficult and stupid. Well guess what? It is.

Tetris DS (Nintendo DS)

This is probably my favorite version of Tetris thus far. It's got many different play modes, local and online multiplayer, global ranks, it saves your high scores, and it contains loads of sweet Nintendo-oriented stuff – all wrapped up to go as a DS cart. The one thing I don't like hate about Tetris DS is that the only people who play online seem to be grand masters at Tetris, so despite my being a pretty fast/decent player, playing online (and winning) is more often than not a slightly frustrating experience, unless I'm playing with friends.

Tetris (Cell Phone)

Chalk this one up to an impulse buy. Thanks to the tiny buttons on my LG Chocolate 2, it's only slightly more controllable than the iPod version I mentioned above, but it is handy to have when I'm out and about, and bored. I haven't played this much since I got Pictocross Mobile, however.

Tetris Splash (Xbox 360)

Though one could probably make the argument that Tetris Splash doesn't really push the envelope as far as new features is concerned, it's still a solid game, and I've had a few good hours with it. The fish/aquarium stuff is utterly useless, other than to provide a pretty backdrop for the main game, but with decent multiplayer and a few good single player modes, Tetris Splash isn't all bad. And hey, getting Xbox Achievements for playing one of my favorite games of all time doesn't hurt either.

Looking back on my list, I think my obsession with Tetris might go beyond the Tetris Effect, huh? To hell with mental illness! It's a fun game, and I'm going to continue playing it in every way possible!

Title image courtesy of tetris-gollum, Tetris watch image courtesy of Wonderland, Tetris DS image courtesy of GameZone

Ever get absolutely lost in a game's soundtrack? With the increased capacity of game media, like DVD and Blue-ray disc, it's become much more commonplace for games to include epic, fully performed / orchestrated music. Of course, there's been great game music in all periods of gaming history, whether the music was a masterfully sequenced chip tune or prerecorded by a live orchestra.

Over the years I've found myself drawn to many games by their amazing music, and I'd like to share a few of those games (and their music) here so that you might also find some enjoyment in them. I've actually found so many game soundtracks that I like, I've collected them in a series of installments from different eras of video game history, starting with 8-bit systems and below.

Many of the soundtracks for the games listed below can be found online and can be listened to as MP3's or via a plug-in for Winamp, and I've provided links to these resources where possible. Plug-ins for Winamp which allow you to play the raw music files of games can be found at Zophar's Domain, which is an excellent source of a lot of different video game utilities.

Sega Master System
Not a particularly strong performer in the music department, the SMS had a few games that really took music to a new level among the other games on the system. Though repetitive, and not particularly lengthy or diverse, the music on the SMS could be catchy at times, and like all good game music, would often get stuck in your head long after you'd finished playing. Here are a few of the stronger performers, from games I've played long, long ago - you can find the raw music files for at least one of these games in the GMS section of Zophar's Domain.

  • Aztec Adventure
  • Penguin Land

Nintendo Gameboy
My library of games for the Gameboy was quite small. Despite this, I thoroughly enjoyed the games I had, and even found that a few of them had some fantastic tunes within. The GBS section at Zophar's Domain includes links to music files for both of the games listed below.

  • Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins
  • Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land

Nintendo Entertainment System

The NES seemed to have a better sound system inside than the SMS, but the tunes included in most of its' game were all just as repetitive, short, and above all, catchy. Whether we bought the games or only rented them, my brother and I bumbled through a decent portion of our childhood constantly humming the music from many NES games. Perhaps that's why I can still remember half of the music from these games, almost 20 years later! You can find files for many of the games listed below in the NSF section at Zophar's Domain.

  • Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers
  • Ducktales
  • Maniac Mansion
  • Mega Man 2
  • Super Mario Bros. 3
  • Tetris

That should do it for my list of favorite 8-bit music! Feel free to mention other game soundtracks you've enjoyed in the comments below and be on the lookout for the next post sometime in the future, which will cover my favorites from the 16-bit era.