All posts tagged News

Marty Moved

Martin · 16 years

Over the last week I was busy boxing up all my stuff and trying to coordinate all my services (cable, internet, electricity, etc.) to have things ready for my move, and this weekend I got everything moved over - I am now officially moved out of my old apartment, and living with my girlfriend at the new one. There are still a lot of boxes to sort through, but the computer is set up, the Xbox is up and running, and... I've got no internet yet!

You see, me being the master planner that I am, only called up AT&T to transfer my existing phone and internet service on friday of last week. This translates into my landline being moved today and my internet being reconnected on Wednesday. Not an entirely raw deal, as I can go about most of my business without it - I've got plenty of games that need playing, and the aforementioned boxes to unpack. Still, it has been an inconvenience when I've needed to get phone numbers and other information which I normally collect from the internet in about 5 seconds, but now have to obtain either by searching the phone book or calling up 411, both of which are expensive prospects in time and money respectively.

At first, I was tempted to activate my cell phone's limited internet capabilities (by adding a $5-a-month charge to my plan) but being through the bulk my time without the internet now, I think I'll just wait it out.

Being without the worldwide time sink that is the internet, I've also had some time (between games and unpacking, of course) to think about some of the GM content I want to release here on my site in the near future, particularly of the example and tutorial flavor. I still want to put together a simple tutorial about how to make that animated water texture I introduced in my 3D example, as well as an example for the fire particles I used in Sun Sun Der, and a few other small things. I should have plenty of time to work on a couple of these over the next few days, so we'll see what I can come up with. If anyone has any ideas about what they'd want to see, please let me know in the comments below.

Anyway, I just wanted to write a little about where I am with my GM work and offer an explanation as to why you might not have seen me on AIM/MSN/XBL/GMC/etc. over the weekend. Thanks for reading, and again, please let me know of any examples/tutorials you might want to see, preferably graphics oriented.

I want to announce that Reflect Games has reached (and passed) the 7,000 member mark!

As I've said in the past, I am still very much surprised and excited about the success of the Reflect Games community. And though I haven't had much time as I want to devote to updating things and creating games, I'm going to try to re-focus and start planning periodic updates as soon as the holiday season is over.

I've still got a lot planned for updates to the Reflect site and community. The site update of old has been folded over into a much larger group of changes, which will hopefully include a complete re-write of the Reflect system and website. I'd like to make Reflect Games a lot more user friendly, for both developers and players, and this will be a big step towards that goal. I've written up a long list of everything that needs to be done and have already bitten off a chunk of it - hopefully I'll be able to continue plugging away at it, however slow I might be, until it all gets done.

I'm actually interested in releasing my to-do list here to get feedback and see what everyone thinks, perhaps I'll do that soon. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions about future updates/functionality to Reflect, feel free to drop them here - I will read and respond to everything.

Anyway, I kind of went off on a little tangent there for a bit, but I just wanted to thank everyone who has helped make Reflect Games a success, and I hope that you will continue to support Reflect into the future!

New Xbox Experience Brief

Martin · 16 years

Before hopping into my car and heading off to work this morning, I powered up my Xbox to chance a brief encounter with the New Xbox Experience, a brand new dashboard for the three-year-old console. Based on my short time with it, my only complaint is that I wish I had gotten up earlier this morning. Well, that and I wish I had a bigger hard drive on my Xbox.

Updating to the new dashboard was easy and much faster than I thought it would be. Upon booting up, my console showed me the normal update blade informing me that I a system update was available, and that I had to install it in order to continue using Xbox Live. I accepted, the download took only a few seconds, and the Xbox restarted.

When the power came back on, a new update screen awaited, this time telling me that the NXE was downloading, and giving me the option to cancel the update (which I was relieved to see, because at this point, I still wasn't sure if I'd have time to check it out before leaving for work). The progress bar began moving, and the onscreen text changed to reflect this - 5 minutes remaining.

I was quite surprised at this. Not only did I expect the update to be quite large and subsequently take 10-20 minutes to download, but I also assumed the Xbox Live network might be bogged down by all the traffic. Not so. Not at six in the morning, anyway. I hear the Xbox Live Marketplace is having trouble today, however.

I ducked into the bathroom and did my usual morning grooming, and returned with only 2 minutes left for the download. I watched the progress tick by. When the NXE was finished, I was treated to a neat intro video featuring the familiar Xbox 360 sphere taking different forms, flying around all sorts of games and media, and finally coming to rest in the corner of the screen where it resides in the new dashboard. I wasn't able to hear any of this unfortunately, since I didn't want to wake up my girlfriend, but I can say that the visuals were neat.

Once the video was over, the NXE prompted me to select a profile, and then to create an avatar for it. A selection of random avatars rushed onto the screen, and I was given the option to use one as a base for my own or to usher in a new group. I randomized the group a few times, found one that looked like a good place to start, and began crafting my virtual Xbox self (pictured above).

The avatar editor is easy to use, loads everything relatively fast, and was quick and responsive. I fiddled around with it for a few minutes, leaving a lot to check out later today when I have more time to play with it. My avatar actually looks kind of like me, but only when you see him from an angle, since he's got a pony tail.

I spent the remainder of my time buzzing through the menus just looking at stuff - which was quite confusing. It's probably going to take me a while to get used to the new menu hierarchy, but the system seems so much more responsive now, especially in the guide, I think I'll manage with that just fine.

As I mentioned above, the only thing I really feel like I need to do now is pick up a larger hard drive. The 20gb hard drive that came with the system has served me well, but with the new NXE option to install games, I'd like a little more space than what I have now. I can't see myself installing every game I own, but newer/frequently played games wouldn't hurt.

Aside from that minor gripe however, the NXE is looking to be a great improvement over the blades of old, and I'll be using it and writing about it more soon. Thanks for reading, and hopefully your Xbox update is as enjoyable as mine was, however brief it might be.

When It Rains…

Martin · 16 years

My apologies for the delay between this and my last post - I've been at jury duty for the last two days, was sick for about a week before that, and have begun the long, arduous process of moving all my material possessions from old apartment to new.

I've also been working my way through Fable 2 for a second time, having a blast playing co-op / horde mode in Gears of War 2, and slowly leveling Totino up to 80 in Wrath of the Lich King.

So yeah, I've been a little busy.

As I've made my way through all the new games though, I've been feeling more and more like getting back to some of my older projects and making them into something new, and better than before. Chiefly, Hover Tank 3D 2 (as Yourself urges me to make a multiplayer mode where you steal resources from enemies to build up a base) and Falcon Squad, which I feel like I am almost ready to return to with a complete engine rebuild and graphics injection. I'd also like to get that robot battle engine finished, so we can finally have a new competition over at Reflect Games.

I know I keep returning to these projects over and over, but one of these days... well, you know.

Anyway, I'm going to get going so I can start moving more of my junk. Just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I'm not dead, just WASD-ing through the mire of many planned, random, and seasonal events. Thanks for reading, and I hope you are having a healthier November than I am!

You've probably already heard, but the United States has finally decided to move forward, and we are doing so with President Barack Obama!

Congratulations to Mr. Obama, and to everyone who donated time or money to the campaign - you guys earned it. I feel better about my country already!

We've yet to see how the propositions on California's ballot will turn out, but I'm sure we'll find out soon.

A Long, Hard Election

Martin · 16 years

Did I get you with that title?

Jokes aside, I'd like to take a timeout from my normal routine of game-oriented material to write a quick note about how important the upcoming elections are, and how I'm voting on a few key initiatives.  There are important propositions on the ballot for California, and of course, the general election for the presidency.

Yes on Prop 2 - Improved treatment of farm animals

I can't see how anyone who has seen the horrific videos that have surfaced over the last few years of sickly cows being bullied around with forklifts and birds being force fed gross amounts of food couldn't be concerned about the handling of our nation's food supply while it's still living and breathing.  Animals who are raised for human consumption deserve better, and Prop 2 is a step in the right direction for that.

No on Prop 4 - Forcing pregnant minors to wait 48 hours and obtain parental consent before having an abortion

Conservatives have been trying to slowly chip way at women's rights and women's right to health care by throwing these kinds of laws at voters, without a worry for the real people affected by them or the problems they pose.  Pregnant teenagers in troubled homes would be forced to make matters worse, and potentially violent, by being required to inform their parents about their pregnancy before having it terminated.  Prop 4 only serves to make hard times worse, and further erodes women's rights in the process.

No on Prop 8 - Altering the definition of marriage in the California state constitution

Prop 8 seeks to change the definition of marriage in the California state constitution from "two people" to "a man and a woman."  The fact that this state recognizes same-sex marriage from a legal standpoint does not weaken the religious institution of marriage.  It does not force churches to recognize or perform same-sex marriages.  And it does not mandate teaching of same-sex marriage in schools.

I'm not gay, and I have very few friends who are, but anyone can see how plainly an encroachment this proposition is on basic civil rights.  This kind of legislation is one step away from disallowing couple of different race to marry, and I am completely disgusted that this legislative trash gets put on the ballot every election.

Barack Obama for President of the United States

Over the last 8 years, the United States has been on a collision course.  Our country used to have good-standing and was seen as a pillar of strength and democracy in the world; now we are despised by many, and are viewed as the source of much of the world's strife.  Our president is not respected at home or abroad.  Our economy is in shambles.  And many of our young men and women who placed their lives and faith in our military are stuck in Iraq, fighting a war which has no conditions for victory.

The United States needs a president who brings something new to the table, and who gets there without grinding people together to create division and disunity.  We need someone who will bring our troops home safely, and without leaving Iraq in a worse condition than it was before we invaded.  We need someone who has a good plan for restoring the economy, and for the future of the nation as a whole.

We need Barack Obama.  And tomorrow I will be casting my vote for him.  I hope that you will join me, and that we might push this country back in the right direction and create history in one fell swoop.
So let's fix America!  Don't forget to get out and vote tomorrow if you haven't already!

Time Keeps On Slippin’

Martin · 16 years

October is drawing to a close, and I'm questioning the future of my newest project, as far as its status as a YYG Competition #4 entry is concerned.

I'll be the first to admit that this is not an entirely unexpected outcome - my project was a bit ambitious. I still want to complete it someday, as I think the game concept is a good one, and I really liked the way the game was turning out. Unfortunately, with my trips to Vegas and BlizzCon, and lots of my free time being spent with my girlfriend as we search for a place to live together, I've not been able to devote the necessary time to Game Maker, and I don't want to be stuck trying to rush the game out, since it is still going to require a lot of artwork and programming.

Not all is lost, however.

A few days ago I came up with a decent idea for a smaller game, and if I have the time, I'll throw it together for the competition.

Since only a handful of people got a chance to play the other game, I'll post a demo here later for anyone who's interested in trying it out. It's nothing more than a driving engine with some simple collisions currently, but as I mentioned, I would like to expand on it eventually.

The whole year of 2008 has been like this for me, actually. I've begun (and continued) many projects, including the site update for Reflect, a new version of the Reflect system itself, a few games, and some paintings; disappointingly, hardly any of it has gotten finished. I suspect that much of it has to do with my limited time for personal projects, an issue that's been troubling me for quite a while now.

I don't blame most of my day-to-day obligations, however - I enjoy spending time with my girlfriend very much, and I waste a lot of time playing games and surfing the web to wind down, which is absolutely necessary to my continued sanity.

Other things though, like my daily commute, are increasingly annoying to me - I lose almost two and a half hours per day just driving to and from work. It's quite frustrating that, as a creative person, I have such sparing time for actually being creative.

Ugh. I hate that feeling I get when I have a project I've worked very hard on, but which I won't be able to finish for now. It's all part of the process, I know, but that doesn't make it taste any less bitter.

Anyway, I'll be posting updates on my competition #4 work as (and if) it progresses. Thanks to everyone who has supported me in my work thus far, and thanks for reading the blog! I shall find the time to finish some of my projects - it just takes time!

This weekend was a much-needed break from all the stuff that's been going on lately. We got a nice bit of rain on Friday night, and my girlfriend and I spent that night and all of Saturday watching movies and lounging around. I would have liked for the cloudy weather to last a little longer, but the Friday rain left Saturday feeling cool and fresh, if not gray.

So now I've finally seen Baby Mama, which was hilarious, and Iron Man, which was also good. I also saw bits and pieces of 27 Dresses, a movie my girlfriend picked out, as I bounced back and forth between my computer and the TV. It had its moments.

The rest of my weekend was spent at an indoor soccer game, doing laundry, working on achievements for Grand Theft Auto 4, and throwing down some retro gaming on my newly acquired GameCube.

Amidst all that fun stuff, I also found some time to do some work on my YYG Competition #4 entry. The car you saw in the last post now has textured tires, I've made some preliminary tree textures, and I am working on a layout for the area you can drive around in for the activities in the game.

Graphically, I want to see the game look bright, clean and open. Since most of the gameplay will be driving the car around the yard (what I'm calling the open, drivable area) and a racetrack of sorts, I think it's important that the graphics are bright and clear, and fun to look at. Sound will also play a large role in bringing the world to life, but I won't be adding that until much later in the design process.

I believe I mentioned this in my last post about the comp, but as far as control goes, the car in the game is mostly finished. It's able to go forward, backward, brake, turn left and right (at greater degrees depending on speed), and use a simple e-brake for making tighter turns. I've got collisions in the game now as well, so the car can bump up against walls... It's basic, but I'm afraid I don't have time to program anything too advanced as far as collision physics go. I might refine what I have a little later on to make them a bit smoother, but for now what's in there works. The only thing I may tweak as far as the collisions go is upping the scale of the game by two, so that I can use more precise sprites for collisions. This shouldn't be noticeable on the graphics end, thanks to the nature of 3D.

Most of the work I am focusing on now is conceptual - I know where I want to take the game, but I need to envision what the world should look like, and how the interactive areas will play out. I have a look in mind for the area decor, but translating a painting of a scene in your mind to working, interesting 3D can take some time and thought. I'll probably be working on maps later on tonight - perhaps I'll post one when I'm finished.

Also on the table is a little bit of character design, as I'm going to have the few characters in the game be represented as simple cartoon-style characters, hopefully to strike a good balance between something a little realistic (the driving portion) and a little more inviting (in menus, interacting with NPC's, etc.).

So yeah - lots of work to do. Plenty of time to do it. I'll continue posting my progress as the game gets built. Thanks for reading!

I've decided to take a slightly different approach with my YYG Competition #4 entry, and post semi-regular progress updates as things move along. I'm not quite ready to unveil my master plan for the game, but I will reveal more as time goes on (and as time allows). I'm still trying to decide which aspects of my ideas will be able to make it in under the deadline while still allowing me enough time to make sure the game is fun and thoroughly polished, so at this point, it's hard to say what the final game will be like anyway, or whether or not I will even be able to finish it.

That said, progress is good so far. The game is going to have a focus on driving, and the driving engine is virtually done, save for collisions and all the extra stuff I have to add onto it later. Here are some screenshots of the game as it looks now. Textureless and a bit empty. But fun to drive around in!

Hopefully I have something more substantial to show next time... for now, enjoy the stills!

YoYoGames Competition #4

Martin · 16 years

Once again, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">YoYo Games</a> has announced a game-crafting competition, this time following the "green" theme "save the planet."

I'm actually quite excited about the theme selection this time around. It presents an argument rarely seen in video games, and could spawn some pretty interesting creations. Not only will I be looking forward to seeing what aspects of environmental awareness can turn into successful games, but I will also be ready for the more off-the-wall games, since the wording of the rules has left things a bit open.

From the official announcement:

These days our planet seems to be in a constant state of peril, together we ride the unicycle of fate atop the high-wire of self-destruction. Our busy little lives seem to be warming up the planet, and no one really knows where that will lead us. Worse, global warming isn't the only green problem: pollution, acid rain, over-crowding, starvation and drought, and extinction threats are all waiting in the wings.

We’re often told that the only solution to these collective problems is mass action - the message must be spread to as many as people as possible if our own environmental compromises are to count for anything. Computer games are a great way to reach people and get them interacting with these important debates. What we’re looking for in the next competition are games with a message, games which encourage the player to get involved.

Politics: Most of us at YYG believe there's something to this global warming idea, but we're not out to indoctrinate our gamers, or game makers. Whatever you believe, it cannot be denied that the debates themselves are important, decisions made here will affect all our lives. If you firmly disagree with the green message then feel free to make a game where the world must be saved from a bunch of crack-pot environmentalists.

Finally, we’re still on the hunt for the perfect casual game. The most important thing is that the games are fun. Don’t get too carried away with the theme at the expense of gameplay.

As with previous competitions judging will be conducted by YoYo Games and Prof. Overmars, with community response taken into account.

P.s. Yes, we are aware of the irony of using energy-hungry computers to communicate a green message. Better this than 300 games about saving princesses.

The contest will end on January 4th, 2009.

The announcement at the GMC brought about the usual slew of questions about what fits within the rules and what doesn't, but thankfully most concerns were laid to rest when our friendly YoYo Games admin dropped in. Hopefully we won't be seeing a lot more "does _____ fit the rules?" questions for a while now.

Though I'm starting to have a strange feeling of déjà vu about all this, I think I'm going to try to enter this competition. I've got a pretty decent idea for a game right now, even though I'm not sure if it completely fits IGDA's description of "casual," and I think that if I can pull it off, it'll be a pretty fun little app. I'll post more news on this later though, as I make some progress beyond the basic engine.

Since I never really got around to programming the whole thing, and I kind of left it on a cliffhanger here at the blog, I thought I'd share my idea for my last competition entry now. My idea, a puzzler which never really came to fruition, was to create a game where the user is presented with a side-scrolling course full of obstacles and tasked with moving an object (a water capsule) from one side of the course to the other (to a fire). To do this, the player is given a limited amount of robots that can be placed anywhere on the course, and then programmed by dragging one of a limited number of "scripts" onto them, which would tell them which direction they could throw the water capsule. A number of courses with obstacles of different type would be included, and as the player moved through each level, the game would put more emphasis on using each robot and script to its fullest to traverse the obstacles.

Maybe I will continue this one day... I've already got much of the level graphics and base programming finished. But for now, it's on to the green-er pastures of competition #4.

So, who else is entering?