All posts tagged night

Shader Sunrise

Martin · 3 years

I've been digging into the actual game-y parts of this project lately... in my notebook.

In the meantime, I've been working on improving my shader skills, and have employed a few of them in the existing parts of this project, which means - you guessed it - another update to my background imagery.

You can't really tell from the GIF, but I'm employing a shader to blur the entire background, since it's not meant to interfere much with the water, which is where the game takes place.

I've also re-worked the clouds once more, adjusting the way the blending works (which is still a procedural surface, created from a few layers of cloud noise adding/multiplying), so it now relies on a shader to blend the alpha, which gives me more control over the thickness and edge definition.

I'd like to add some more functionality to that later, so I can change the cloud coverage on the fly, and maybe add some sort of fakey depth effect. We'll see.

One final note: the speed changes in the simulation shown in the GIF are being done in-game, and not as a post edit. I added a debug button that, when pressed, speeds up virtually everything in the game (save for a few un-pictured elements). I might leave that in as a feature, if it proves useful (and practical to keep) in the final game.

Day & Night 2

Martin · 3 years

After a couple of days goofing around with this, I think it's in a pretty decent place. It now has dynamic clouds, drawn in 3D, and a moon that has phases!

I might come back and clean things up later, but for now, this is fine. My project doesn't even have anything to do with any of this stuff, it's just for the background!