All posts tagged PC

Spore’s Creature Creator

Martin · 16 years

After having read about countless people playing with the Spore Creature Creator (and watching the number of creatures added to the online database jump by the thousands with each page refresh), I finally got a chance to try it out myself... and it's pretty fun!

I also made this goofy blue dragon.

I haven't had a chance to give this a really lengthy go-round, but from what I have played so far, it's intuitive, easy, and fun. Taking your creature for a test-drive as you develop him is awesome, and the features the team has built into the game for taking pictures, creating videos, animated avatars, etc. is great. I'm still going to reserve final judgment for the final release of the game, but just from this small taste, I think Spore is going to turn out great.

As with the Mii channel on Wii, half the fun will be to see what kind of creations people can make that resemble existing creatures. I've already seen a Murloc creature floating around, and it was a pretty damn good recreation.

Anyway, I'm going to get back to playing around with this, as well as working on my YYG Competition 3 entry - be sure to try out the Creature Creator though and let me know what you think!

Monday, monday

Martin · 16 years

There's much ado with Marty - here's the low-down on what I've been up to, and what I've got planned for the week.

YoYo Games Competition 3

I've been bouncing around an idea in my head for the third installment of the YYG game competition a while now, and I think that when I get home from work today, I might just start putting together an engine. The idea I have is for a puzzle game, and is somewhat basic in design, but even with simple rules, I think that a complex and fun game can be created. I'll be posting more about this later in the week depending on how things turn out. About the only thing I'd like to give away for now is that the graphic style I have in mind is akin to something like Out of This World. And it's probably going to have robots in it.

Reflect Games

I know, I keep saying that I'm working on a site update, and nothing comes of it - well, there is actually quite a bit going on with the beta version of the new site, and though I've been off the project again for a few weeks, I'll be dipping into it again soon enough. I've also got a few things to sort out with the Reflect server code itself, so I might be re-writing that too - if the problems the Adrenaline team has been having with it turn out to be a Reflect issue.

World of Warcraft

Despite my best efforts not to play that much WoW, I put in a fair amount of time with the game this weekend... and now I've got my epic flying mount, which makes traveling around the game, mining, and questing a lot more enjoyable. For anyone outside of the Azeroth loop, much of your time in the game is spent traveling to and from where you need to go... so the faster you can get there, the better. There are a multitude of solutions for this - mages can make portals to towns (like Diablo), you can pay for rapid transit from town to town via flying beast, and eventually you can buy all sorts of mounts of various breed and speed. An epic flying mount is about the fastest ride you can buy, and combined with my Paladin's Crusader Aura, gives me a speed increase of 456%. Needless to say, this makes traveling around the World of Warcraft a lot less time consuming, and the game much more enjoyable.

I'm now currently waiting for Blizzard to unlock a new set of PVP gear for purchase, so I'll probably be spending a bit less time playing until then.

Web Work

I've also been helping out my buddy "D" to get his gaming news blog off the ground. I've re-skinned it and added a lot of cool plug-ins and customizations to help the site look its best. Check out to see how it all turned out.

The Rest

There's not much else going on for me at the moment - my girlfriend is out of town for most of the week. I finished my lunch-time book a few days ago, so I have nothing to read today (I'll probably just listen to the radio). And I'm not sure what I want to eat for lunch... hmm.

Anyway, that's all. Who else is working on a game for the next YYG competition? Post a comment, I'd like to hear from ya! And as always, thanks for reading.

Marty Finally Turns 70

Martin · 16 years

Despite my having a girlfriend, a job, working on the Reflect Games website update, helping a buddy with his new blog, considering entering the 3rd YoYo Games competition, trying to finish GTA4, and various other real-world obligations, I've also started putting in a little bit of time on World of Warcraft again.

In my defense, it wasn't an idea entirely my own. My brother, Spencer, had a lot to do with it. He's just as addicted to games as I am, and his boredom led him to persuade me to play some WoW with him again.

"I'm thinking about playing WoW again," he mentioned to me one day. "I want to start a new character on a friend's server."

Being bored with my pre-GTA library of games, I expressed some interest. Soon, we had a plan set; we'd blaze through the game as the fantastic duo of warrior and priest. I'd beat the hell out of monsters while my brother made sure my health level was maintained. This is surely a strong combination of might against just about any type of foe... well, except one. Computer hardware failure.

Spencer's computer seems to be suffering from either a bad power supply or a heating problem, as best I can tell. After getting our characters rolling up into the bulk of the game, his computer began crashing WoW every few minutes. He's re-installed the game multiple times, and I've torn his computer apart and re-assmbled it, but the problem persists. He's due for a hardware upgrade though, so when that day eventually comes, the adventures of Ismashya and Autzen will continue. In the meantime, however, I was left with an active WoW account, and not much else to do.

I started an alternate character (a hunter) and began the game anew. After only a week I had leveled to 42, and already had my first mount. But leveling began to take longer, and I started looking upon the higher levels with envy. Every visit to a capital city reminded me that there was an entire world of upper-tier players riding around on their flying mounts, making ridiculous amounts of gold, doing player-vs-player activities, and raiding the high level dungeons.

I tried playing some of the battlegrounds (special PVP raid battles) with my hunter, and while I had fun and got a taste of the party the higher level players were having, it wasn't the same. I had to wait over 30 minutes to get into matches sometimes, and finding others to quest with was virtually impossible. Azeroth is a big place, and with most people on the server playing upper level characters, I was left to fend mostly for myself.

So did I persevere? Did my lonely hunter (and mountain lion pet) conquer all and become one of the elite of Warcraft?

Of course not!

Instead, I dusted off my long-dead level 69 paladin, grinded to level 70, and began partaking in all the upper-tier goodness a guild-less player can. I got my flying mount. I've battled the battlegrounds (with players who have alarmingly large amounts of health compared to me). I made over 1000 gold over the weekend. And I've started trying my hand at some of the daily quests.

I'm sure I'll get bored of it again eventually... especially if my brother can't get his computer running soon. But for now, I'm having some fun with it, and I'm still spending plenty of time with my girlfriend, on my own projects, Grand Theft Auto 4, and everything else, so I see no harm in it.

In the meantime, if you run into a companionless paladin (whose name reminds you of bite-size pizza) mining the earth of the Outland or getting slaughtered in Eye of the Storm, it might just be me.

I just wanted to make a quick post to point out a new feature, an upcoming addition, and to talk about what's in store in the coming months for my games and my web endeavors. I've got some neat stuff planned, and I hope that there will be something for everyone here when it's all said and done.

User Registration at Marty Blog

This was actually a request of a friend of mine. I've now opened registration up on the blog, which means that, if you so choose, you can now register as a Subscriber, login, and have the site remember your user details for when you post. Frankly, I should have done this sooner. You can still comment without registering though, so if you're not the type who likes to register, everything is just as it was before!

Games On the Way

If you've read up on the archives of this blog or poked around a bit, you've noticed that part of the reason why I created it was to replace my old games site with something easier to maintain and with broader use. You might have also noticed that, while my examples have made the jump from old site to new, my games haven't - but I aim to change that soon. Within the next week or so I'll be adding a special page to house my games, with better descriptions, control explanations, etc. so don't forget to check that out (especially if you haven't played all of the games yet!).

Reflect Games Site Update

It's been a long time in the making, but I am slowly moving closer to releasing the new version of the Reflect Games website. The changes are a mixed bag of functional and aesthetic improvements, and will include a friends list, credit store, highscore page, improved stats and profiles, and a lot more. Though all the new features will not justify the amount of time it's taken me to finish, I think the site will look more professional and will offer more reasons for people to create and use Reflect accounts. I'll post more about this when I draw closer to the update.

Cross-Site Mayhem

My buddy Dandri, the guy who requested registration here, currently runs the Official PlayStation 3 blog at MySpace, and is looking to expand his operations to a whole new site this summer. We've been talking about doing some cross-site promotions, and since we both have extreme opinions about certain aspects of the gaming world, we thought it'd be interesting to do some interviews and other things along those lines, so keep your eyes peeled for that stuff as well. Again, I will post more about this as the details emerge.

What About Game Maker?

Depending on when the upcoming YoYo Games Competition 3 is announced, and exactly what they decide to do with the user-created theme, "co-operation," I might just be entering. I liked that they gave developers more time to work on games for the second competition, and I've got a couple of ideas that might prove to be fun if they work out correctly.

I'd also like to be getting in more Game Maker in general, but with the Reflect Games website revamp, Grand Theft Auto 4 (as well as other games), my job, and my girlfriend, I've not had too much time lately to work on anything significant. Hopefully I'll be able to turn that around this summer, as I finish the website and the games up. I've got a few small projects I've had floating around on my computer for a while that I am considering just releasing the source code for as well.

In any case, I'm trying to get things rolling a little more swiftly than they have been, and to get things out the door. I'll be publishing more What's New with Marty to show my progress in the coming weeks / months, providing there is anyway.

If you've got anything to add to my to-do list, feel free to let me know with your comments - my head hasn't exploded yet!

Team Fortress 2 – The Scout

Martin · 16 years

Yeah, yeah, I know - right on the heels of my "CGI Trailers are Trash" post comes another about how great a new CGI trailer is... well, this is a bit of a different case than what I brought up in my other entry, so I'll hear no complaints.

So in case you've not heard about or seen it already, Valve has released another Team Fortress 2 character vignette, this time for the scout, and I remain both impressed and excited for them. To date, we've seen videos for the soldier, heavy weapons guy, engineer, demo man, and scout, and my only complaint so far is that we've had to wait so long in between each video.

If it means that we will continue to see such high-quality stuff, however, the wait is fine with me. In contrast with the ridiculous marketing materials I complained about in my last post about CGI trailers, I feel that these vignettes show that Valve truly cares about their Team Fortress 2 project. The visuals are rendered with expertise, the dialog is genuinely funny, and the voice acting is excellent. Most importantly though, they maintain the same attitude and style of the game, and they don't insult my intelligence by trying to masquerade as actual gameplay footage.

Well done, Valve. I'm looking forward to future character profiles!

If you haven't seen the previous character highlight vignettes, I highly recommend watching them. They're instant classics, whether you play the game or not!

I've played a lot of PC games over the years... probably too many, come to think of it. But with all the time I've dedicated to games, I've also been able to sum up a fairly long list of titles which I think are truly excellent, and worth re-installing and playing again later on. Here's a list of 6 games you might not have played before that I think were excellent titles of their time, and still stand out among today's offerings as monuments to what the medium can achieve (and how much fun you can have).

All titles are currently available on Steam, and I've even listed their price for you. Some of these games are a real steal, and all are worth a play-through!

Deus Ex (currently $9.95) [Link]

What would you do if you were a nanotech-enhanced, monotone-speakin', super-soldier working for the NSA? What would you do if you had a huge arsenal of weaponry and specialized talents? What if you wore a huge leather and metal trench coat? Deus Ex asks these hard questions, and answers them too - with a conspiracy theory so big, you might just wind up believing some of it yourself.

Deus Ex was a revolutionary game because it took the standard first-person shooter, threw in a lot of RPG elements (inventory, upgradeable skills, etc) , and wrapped it in a nice, slick package. It's powered by a modified version of the original Unreal Engine, and is a really huge game that, thanks to the different skills you can learn, can be played in almost any style that suits you. Even a decade after it's release, the visuals are still nice and crisp, and the music and voice acting is very well done. I really recommend this game if you like the FPS / RPG hybrid games, and for $9.95, you could definitely do worse.

Sid Meier's Railroads (currently $19.95) [Link]

Ever since I was a kid I've been fascinated by trains - I still can't help but take a peek when I see one racing by my morning commute. Sid Meier's Railroads, and the Railroad Tycoon games it is based on, recreate my childhood fantasy of driving around trains all day, and throw in some pretty fun (and challenging) economic simulation to boot. If anything, it's simply fun to zoom around the game's beautiful environments and watch all the mechanical marvels make their rounds.

Like Sid Meier's Pirates, and a lot of other games from the legendary designer, Railroads has very high production values in art and sound, and features gameplay that's simple to grasp, but which gets more complex as you play. The game features a variety of scenarios which task you with making a profitable railroad company (or reversing the fate of one that isn't), all kicked off with a nice tutorial. Different missions start during different periods of history, and as you play, you can spend money on research to develop new engines and technologies appropriate to that era. Getting people and things where they need to go is the name of the game, so if you enjoy logistics simulations that aren't too heavy-handed, download the demo and give it a spin - you'll be laying some track in no time.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (currently $9.95) [Link]

I know I gushed about Rockstar and GTA a little in my Bully post, but this is a message worth repeating. The Grand Theft Auto series, particularly from 3 and beyond, have always been a lot of fun for me, and my favorite in the series so far is Vice City, a tale of crime and corruption straight from the 80's. You play the game as Tommy Vercetti, an ex-con who's just arrived in Vice City, and who's anxious to get established.

Vice City introduced a lot of things to the GTA formula that really made the game stand out among the series. Making their appearance for the first time in GTA are helicopters, motorcycles, choppers, scooters, golf carts, changeable clothes, an assortment of weapons, and a whole lot more, while still maintaining all the fun stuff from the previous game. You also get a ridiculously awesome soundtrack in the game, which is worth the price of admission alone.

I recommend playing through Grand Theft Auto 3 before playing Vice City for two reasons. First, there are many references made to characters from GTA3 (and some are even from GTA3) that you will appreciate more having played that game, and second, you'll like Vice City more knowing how much better it is than GTA3. GTA3 is $9.95 too, so for less than $20, you could buy 'em both!

Indigo Prophecy (currently $9.95) [Link]

In 2005, Quantic Dream set out to make a game that is as close to a cinematic experience as possible, and with their subsequent release of Indigo Prophecy (known as Fahrenheit in Europe and Japan), they did a pretty damn good job, even if not hitting the mark exactly.

Indigo Prophecy is played from a third person cinematic perspective, and as you work your way through the game, you take on the role of various characters as the plot bounces back and forth between the lead, Lucas Kane, and the detectives who are investigating him. The game's story is interesting, and just like when watching a movie, you'll have many questions about particular sequences that will not be answered until later in the game. Thankfully, the game world is very interactive, and for the gamer who enjoys exploring, there is a lot of interesting material to be found.

I really enjoyed Indigo Prophecy because, despite it's few shortcomings as a movie-esque style game, it was a lot of fun to play. The graphics aren't ground-breaking, but are still very detailed and realistic, and the sound and music are excellent. The story is the real catch though, and your desire to unravel the plot will give you motivation to run through large portions of the game each time you play.

At normal difficulty, the action sequences are just forgiving enough, and the few rough spots you do encounter serve as good moments for an intermission from the regular game anyway.

Just make sure you've got a good joystick, especially one with dual analogs, as many segments of the game are built with this type of control in mind.

Psychonauts (currently $19.95) [Link]

Fans of Monkey Island who want a little more action with their adventure games should look no further than Double Fine Productions' trippy action platformer (and flagship title), Psychonauts. The game, created by former Lucas Arts writer and programmer Tim Schafer, combines psychological dysfunction with psychedelic imagery and classic 3D platforming to create one of the more memorable games of this genre to date.

It's unfortunate that Psychonauts didn't receive much press when the game was launched - it truly is a unique experience that you'll want to see through to the end. The adventure follows Razputin, a boy attending a summer camp for children with psychic powers, as he delves into the minds of his peers and teachers in an effort to uncover the nefarious deeds of a secret foe. Raz encounters the personal fears of each person he makes psychic contact with, and this not only allows for some very creative and fun imagery, but level design as well. In one level, Raz walks along a twisting ribbon of road that seamlessly turns upside down and loops around itself at various places; in another he's tasked with battling a famous historical figure in a giant strategy battle. Not one level is like another in this game (or in any other game, for that matter), and that's just one of the many things that sets Psychonauts apart from the many other platform games you've played before.

For anyone looking to pick up a good action adventure game, especially on PC, I can't recommend Psychonauts enough. It's a fun little game that is smart, rewarding, and the production values are so high it's hard to ignore. Especially at such a low price!

Unreal Gold (currently $8.95) [Link]

I shouldn't even have to say all that much about Unreal Gold - it's one of those games that really kicked off a lot of big things for gamers. Unreal gave us a taste of what a truly "Epic" shooter could be, all while showcasing some awesome visual effects (for the time), and paving the way for what would later become of the most recognizable online FPS franchises.

When you start Unreal, you'll awake inside your holding cell within the recently crashed Vortex Rikers, a space ship transporting prisoners across the galaxy. You're now free from imprisonment, but you're marooned on an uncharted planet filled to the brim with the hostile Skaarj. Your only option is to traverse the land and seek out an escape, destroying everyone in your path.

Though other games, like Half-Life, were leaps and bounds ahead of Unreal in terms of presenting a decent narrative in a story-driven FPS, Unreal made up for the deficit with some amazing technology, and with some intense action sequences that simple can't be topped. Gamers who skipped over Unreal back in it's heyday will probably not be all that impressed by it's massive outdoor environments, or it's highly detailed textures, but back in 1999, these were incredible feats. Being used to the claustrophobic romps of Doom and Quake, I remember how blown away I was upon first playing Unreal - especially when my rig (packing a powerful Voodoo 2 card!) ran the game at 60+ frames per second.

The graphics were what drew me in, and the hard core gameplay is what kept me there... and what keeps me coming back for more every now and then, when I'm out of new games to play. I highly recommend Unreal Gold, even if you're not too fond of the dated graphics. It's a solid action FPS that defines the word "classic."

Other Games I Wanted to Mention

There were a few more games I wanted to mention in the main write-up, but for various reasons, didn't. These games are all good fun, and I recommend them almost as much as those above.

  • Uplink ($9.95) [Link] - Using the Uplink hacking interface, do various hacking jobs - just don't get caught!
  • X3: Reunion ($19.95) [Link] - Start an empire from scratch in this space-faring economic sim
  • STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl ($19.95) [Link] - Discover the spoils and secrets of the infamous Chernobyl site
  • Unreal Tournament 2004 ($14.95) [Link] - Blast your friends and enemies online with an assortment of weapons and vehicles
  • Commander Keen ($4.95) [Link] - The classic id Software platformer. Save the galaxy from evil!

Convivial Carjacking Commencing

Martin · 16 years

Well, it's done. I got my copy of GTA4 reserved at the local Gamestop a day ago. This will actually be my first GTA game that I haven't waited for the PC release, but I think my 360 should handle the job nicely for now. If not, I'll just wait a year and pick up the PC version, which I am sure will run better, play better, and look better than either the 360 or the PS3. Ah, but who cares about that - if this game is half as fun as it looks, I don't think I'll even be thinking about all that once I start playing!

To be honest, I've been purposefully avoiding reading too much about the game, so that I can head on in with no expectations. Rockstar has blown the dust off the hype machine, and has been releasing lots of new information on their site over the last few days, and there was even a big photo of the game's city map floating around on the game news blogs a few days ago. I've yet to visit the site though, and I only took a brief look at the map (to see if it looked real, of course). Other than that, I just know a few odds and ends of technical information about the game (check out the Euphoria physics technology they're using... just turn down the crummy music), and not much else.

Well, nothing else except for multiplayer. I have actually read a bit about that, and I think that's going to be one of the best parts of the game. Rockstar finally included a fully loaded multiplayer component in GTA4, and it's looking to be capable of throwing up to 16 people in the city at once. Unfortunately, there's no co-op mission play, but between all the different multiplayer modes, I don't think I'll regret the lack of co-op much. I like the way Rockstar usually does the story-telling in GTA games anyway, so if it remains untainted by multiplayer, that's fine by me.

So yeah, I am gearing up for some fun times in Liberty City. I'm going to cut this post short, because I don't really have much more to say about this for now, other than I am pretty excited about it. Hopefully the game turns out to be good, huh?

GTA4 is out on April 29... better reserve a copy if you haven't already!

The trend is annoying. It's deceptive. It's insulting to my intelligence. And sadly, it shows no signs of ever coming to an end. I am speaking, of course, about the video game industry's constant use of CGI (computer generated imagery) trailers.

My disgust for this practice has been sloshing around inside my head for a while now, but the issue really peaked for me back in 2006, when Sony unveiled supposed in-game footage of Killzone 2, which later turned out to be a CGI trailer. There was a lot of backlash over this, and I agree with all of it - it pointed out both how tempting it can be for game companies to deceive the public with CGI, and how easy it can actually be when our game systems are almost capable of producing such visuals anyway.

Imagine you're putting together an awesome movie. It finally comes time in production to get the word out and get people excited for the upcoming film. Your press agent asks for some promotional materials to show people... what would you give them? Would you create a video of animated characters and special effects, completely unlike the visual style of your film?

Of course not - it's ridiculous to even suggest it. But if you were working on a game instead of a movie, you'd probably come to the (erroneous) conclusion that as long as it's generated by computers somehow, it should pass for a good way to show off your game.

I find this trend annoying because, when I hear about a new game, I want to see what it looks like. If I watch a commercial or download a trailer, I want to see the game in action to get a feel for how it will play, how good the graphics are, etc. The last thing I want is a CGI trailer that gives absolutely no clear idea of what the game is about. What good does that do?

My other main beef with CGI trailers is the fact that I sometimes get the sense that they are meant to masquerade as real game footage, and the deceptiveness of this disgusts me. As game graphics get better and our systems become more advanced, the line between CGI and real-time rendering is getting blurrier. So not only does it sometimes seem pointless for a studio to release CGI when real game footage would be just as good, it also makes the CGI route seem like studios just want the public to think their game will look better than it does. For gamers, this isn't usually much of a problem - people who are used to viewing game graphics and computer-generated videos can usually tell the difference between the two - but it is still a very low-class thing to do, in my opinion, and just serves to confuse people who aren't dedicated game-players.

In the end, I suppose my complaints don't hold a heck of a lot of weight, considering the games industry has been in constant growth for many years, despite the rampant use of CGI trailers. Pre-rendered computer-generated videos definitely have a place in there somewhere, but I really think that publishers / developers should always try to show real footage first. I know that sometimes it's important to get PR materials out the door, in order to generate buzz for upcoming games, but if they just took a little extra time to polish existing videos and screenshots of the actual game, they'd be doing both themselves and their fans a favor.

And I'd have one less thing to complain about.

2007 was a good year for games. Towards the end of the year especially, a lot of amazing titles came out, all which only supplemented an already strong year for the industry.

Of course, me being a normal guy in his 20's (read: of limited financial resources), I couldn't play every game out in 2007, nor every game for any particular console (since I don't own every system), but I think between my PC, Xbox 360, and Nintendo DS, I've covered a fairly large portion of 2007's games. So out of all the games I played this last year for these systems, here are a few that I felt stood out among the rest, in no particular order.

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars (PC)

Back in the glory days of strategic Command & Conquer gaming, it seemed Westwood could do no wrong. Every iteration of their flagship RTS franchise seemed to push the genre further and extend the limits of how much fun one can have whilst commanding tiny men around a battlefield. Each addition to the collection of C&C titles, like Red Alert, offered a larger array of units, missions, and strategies. These games were good fun, and if you have a PC with an older version of Windows on it, I highly recommend grabbing these games from your local game store's bargain bin (with the possible exception of the rather stanky Command & Conquer: Tiberium Sun)

As seems to be par the course these days, EA came along and bought out Westwood Studios. Their first project with the old team was Command & Conquer: Generals, a game that turned out to be more fun than was expected, but didn't really feel like C&C. Many were afraid that this would hail the end of the franchise, or at least, the end of the franchise being any good.

In 2007 however, EA stepped back up to the plate with a continuation of the original series - Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. This game, built on a modified version of the Generals engine, was a vast improvement over Generals, and in my opinion, really did a great job of earning back the Command & Conquer title. With three completely different races to play as, a great campaign, and solid online play, C&C3 earned a permanent spot on my hard drive for 2007, and probably well into 2008. If you're a fan of RTS games, you should definitely try C&C3.

Orange Box (PC)

The Orange Box was one of those things that you know is going to be good, but which you don't want to get too excited about because you don't want to be let down. I'll admit it - I was a bit skeptical about Half-Life 2 going episodic. The last thing I wanted was for a great game like Half-Life 2 to be broken down into bite-sized chunks that costed too much and offered too little. HL2: Episode 1 proved my fears wrong however, and Orange Box, which includes Episode 2, serves only to re-affirm how misplaced my skepticism was in the first place.

With Orange Box, you get three very awesome games for the price of one (four if you order via Steam). The set includes Half-Life 2, HL2: Episodes 1 & 2, HL2: Lost Coast (a neat tech demo HL2 level), Portal, and Team Fortress 2. This package also includes a special version of Peggle if you opt to buy via Steam.
I could go on and on about how much fun my buddies and I have been having playing Team Fortress 2 online, or how immersive the Half-Life 2 experience is. About how Portal is one of the most unique puzzle experiences I've ever had. I could even rave a little about how great Peggle is as well. I won't gush any more, however - you should just go buy it and see how great it is for yourself. The Orange Box is the best value you could get for your gaming dollar in 2007, and FPS fan or not, you'll find something you like here. $50 is hard to beat for three games... even on DS!

Mass Effect (Xbox 360)

Initially, I wasn't sure that I'd like Mass Effect. I own Knights of the Old Republic, but never got too far through it. I wanted to, because I liked the story and the Star Wars setting, but something about the game was just too slow for me. When Bioware announced they were working on Mass Effect, I was excited to give them another try, and things looked better with each press release they gave. With some amazing screenshots, and videos of the in-depth conversations that take place in the game, Mass Effect looked to be a much more lively game than the KOTOR series for me, and upon trying it out, I was extremely impressed.

I was recently talking with Lethalanvas, co-creator of Wanderlust, and we both came to an agreement about Mass Effect - the game is really a true RPG, unlike the weirdness that games like World of Warcraft spin into the genre. Mass Effect isn't all about crunching thousands of numbers or sorting through hundreds of different sets of armor. No, in Mass Effect, you make decisions that actually have consequences... you literally carve out a place in the game world for your character. You can be a noble good-doer (Paragon), a dastardly scoundrel (Renegade), or anything in between - and the game will react in a smart and appropriate way. It's hard to describe just how Mass Effect captures this essence of actual role playing so well, but I think it lies in the many moral decisions the game forces you to make as you play. Some carry more weight than others, but almost everything you do has a lasting effect on the rest of the game; the same permanence that your decisions in real life carry. In any case, if you're a fan of RPG's, and you have the time and patience to play a 40 hour game in its entirety, Mass Effect comes highly recommended from Marty.

The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo DS)

Many fans of the Zelda series decried Nintendo's latest revision of the classic tale as blasphemous, usually citing the touchpad-only controls as too mainstream / casual. As with other Nintendo titles gone "all touch," I reserved my judgement for when I actually got to try the game. In the past, I haven't been let down by this new type of control, and with Phantom Hourglass, this is no different. Sure, it's a bit wonky when you first try it out, but rest assured, once you get used to the controls, therein lies one of the best gaming experiences to be had on the DS thus far.

Call me silly, but there's just something about Phantom Hourglass that puts a smile on my face while I play it. I always get a certain satisfaction from charting my own course with the stylus and then watching Link's boat follow it around the map. When I make link do too many rolls or sword spins and he gets dizzy, I can't help but smile at the goofy sound effect and animation. And who doesn't get a kick out of drawing a patch for your trusty boomerang, and then watching it fly around exactly as you wanted? Phantom Hourglass is packed with all the little extra touches that people expect from a Nintendo game, aside from the standard epic story and amazing graphics (for DS, of course).

Though I haven't yet had the time to finish this game, my only complaint so far is that the Dark World theme from the SNES game, featured in almost all of the trailers for Phantom Hourglass, doesn't seem to be in the game. I could be wrong though, since I haven't finished it, but if I were a gambling man, I'd put my money against it at this point. It's a shame really, because I thought the remix of the tune for the previews was a real treat, and Nintendo has a huge library of music for the Zelda series, so why not toss a bone to all of us long-time fans now and then?

Regardless of this single caveat, Phantom Hourglass is a must-have title for DS, so if you haven't played it yet, go pick it up.

Other 2007 games I enjoyed, but didn't want to write about, include:

  • Assassin's Creed (360)
  • Call of Duty 4 (360)
  • Crackdown (360)
  • Gears of War (PC)
  • Halo 3 (360)

Games I enjoyed in 2007, but which were not released in 2007:

  • Civilization 4 (PC)
  • Clubhouse Games (DS)
  • Counter-Strike: Source (PC)
  • Gears of War (360)
  • Gun (360) (aside from the torturous end boss fight)
  • Saint's Row (360)
  • Sim City 4 (PC)
  • Tetris DS (DS)
  • Yoshi's Island 2 (DS)

And finally, how about a short list of games that I wanted to try out, but never had time to (full versions, anyway):

  • Eternal Sonata (360)
  • Unreal Tournament 3 (PC) (despite my rage for its mediocrity)

Thanks for reading, and be sure to let me know what 2007 games you felt were great with a comment below!

Finished Winter Comp Entry!

Martin · 17 years

I guess it's a bit late to announce this here, 5 days after I actually submitted the game to YoYoGames for judging, but what the heck - I feel much more energized after a nice relaxing holiday at my parent's house, and I figure it's time to push the game a little bit. So without further ado, my YYG Winter Competition is finally finished!

I present to you the winter-themed SHMUP, Sun Sun Der! Here's a quick link to play at, more information below!

The spirits that govern the balance of hot and cold on the earth are in turmoil - on the Winter Solstice 2007, the sun's summer spirits refuse to leave. The goddess spirit of the winter, Friga, is sent to battle the summer and bring about the cold of winter once again!

Play the game here, directly at YoYo Games. If you like the game, I would appreciate it if you'd rate it accordingly... seems the YYG bury brigade has already hit many of the competition entries particularly hard.

Controls are as follows

  • Z - Shoot
  • X - Attract power-ups
  • C - Special attack (when meter is charged)
  • P - Pause the game
  • F1 - Restart the game
  • F4 - Toggle windowed / full screen display modes
  • Esc - Exit the game

Anyway, enjoy the game, and thanks to everyone who plays and / or votes. I appreciate all the support I get from the community!