All posts tagged Politics

You've probably already heard, but the United States has finally decided to move forward, and we are doing so with President Barack Obama!

Congratulations to Mr. Obama, and to everyone who donated time or money to the campaign - you guys earned it. I feel better about my country already!

We've yet to see how the propositions on California's ballot will turn out, but I'm sure we'll find out soon.

A Long, Hard Election

Martin · 16 years

Did I get you with that title?

Jokes aside, I'd like to take a timeout from my normal routine of game-oriented material to write a quick note about how important the upcoming elections are, and how I'm voting on a few key initiatives.  There are important propositions on the ballot for California, and of course, the general election for the presidency.

Yes on Prop 2 - Improved treatment of farm animals

I can't see how anyone who has seen the horrific videos that have surfaced over the last few years of sickly cows being bullied around with forklifts and birds being force fed gross amounts of food couldn't be concerned about the handling of our nation's food supply while it's still living and breathing.  Animals who are raised for human consumption deserve better, and Prop 2 is a step in the right direction for that.

No on Prop 4 - Forcing pregnant minors to wait 48 hours and obtain parental consent before having an abortion

Conservatives have been trying to slowly chip way at women's rights and women's right to health care by throwing these kinds of laws at voters, without a worry for the real people affected by them or the problems they pose.  Pregnant teenagers in troubled homes would be forced to make matters worse, and potentially violent, by being required to inform their parents about their pregnancy before having it terminated.  Prop 4 only serves to make hard times worse, and further erodes women's rights in the process.

No on Prop 8 - Altering the definition of marriage in the California state constitution

Prop 8 seeks to change the definition of marriage in the California state constitution from "two people" to "a man and a woman."  The fact that this state recognizes same-sex marriage from a legal standpoint does not weaken the religious institution of marriage.  It does not force churches to recognize or perform same-sex marriages.  And it does not mandate teaching of same-sex marriage in schools.

I'm not gay, and I have very few friends who are, but anyone can see how plainly an encroachment this proposition is on basic civil rights.  This kind of legislation is one step away from disallowing couple of different race to marry, and I am completely disgusted that this legislative trash gets put on the ballot every election.

Barack Obama for President of the United States

Over the last 8 years, the United States has been on a collision course.  Our country used to have good-standing and was seen as a pillar of strength and democracy in the world; now we are despised by many, and are viewed as the source of much of the world's strife.  Our president is not respected at home or abroad.  Our economy is in shambles.  And many of our young men and women who placed their lives and faith in our military are stuck in Iraq, fighting a war which has no conditions for victory.

The United States needs a president who brings something new to the table, and who gets there without grinding people together to create division and disunity.  We need someone who will bring our troops home safely, and without leaving Iraq in a worse condition than it was before we invaded.  We need someone who has a good plan for restoring the economy, and for the future of the nation as a whole.

We need Barack Obama.  And tomorrow I will be casting my vote for him.  I hope that you will join me, and that we might push this country back in the right direction and create history in one fell swoop.
So let's fix America!  Don't forget to get out and vote tomorrow if you haven't already!

Wassup 2008

Martin · 16 years

My boss sent me the link to this video earlier today. It's a classic update to a classic set of commercials.

I actually thought the last bit was somewhat touching. It's funny at how big a difference 8 years can make, huh?

881 96 2

I've tried not to watch any of it, but by chance I caught a bit of the Republican National Convention this evening, while trying to relax after work. As you've probably guessed from the title of this post, I am completely disgusted by the whole thing.

I try to stay away from the topic of politics here for the most part, but the tiny bit of the convention that I happened to see (Mitt Romney's portion of the show) made my blood boil, and I simply have to say something about it.

During my brief viewing, Mr. Romney continued beating the desparate drum of nationalism and fanning the flames of divison and hatred between countrymen. Over and over, he stated in so many ways that the Republican party is the party of patriotism and love for country, and that to be anything else is anti-American, supporting terrorism, ad naseum.

I'm tired of this utterly stupid stance. It's a pathetic attempt to appeal to your fears of the unknown, and it makes me sick that anyone in any political party would find need to wield this ridiculous argument against his fellow American.

We all want this country to be great. We all want this to be a good place for our children. We want the U.S. to be a prosperous country where anyone who's willing to put in the work can make something for themselves. That is the "American Dream," is it not?

To suggest that someone who strives for the same things as you, but by slightly different means, is completely against the U.S. and ideals that drive it is completely insane. I'm perfectly happy sharing this country with others who have all sorts of different ideas from mine - that's what makes the world work, after all. Working together with people who don't share the same thoughts as me helps me grow as a person, and helps us all accomplish many otherrwise impossible goals. Anyone who has any sort of relationship with other people can recognize that compromise is the corner stone of progress, and yet instead of encouraging people to work together and help maintain unity during these trying times, the Republican party would rather see the nation's citizens bicker amongst themselves.

Demonizing one party or the other for striving to make this country great in a different way than you accomplishes nothing but create divisions between neighbors, relatives, and friends. It makes people look upon others with fear, and it prevents people from enjoying life.

Neither party wants bad things to happen to this country. Neither party is helping terrorists. Neither party is any more patriotic or "American" (whatever that means) than the other.

Let's stop this shit once and for all. Whether you're liberal, conservative, or somewhere in between the two, I urge you to look past all this superficial patriotism garbage, and look at the real issues. The people who use this rhetoric are crooked liars, and you are a fool if you fall for it, no matter which party is pushing it at you.

That's a quote from Abraham Lincoln, and an important note for the time and place we're at.

I voted this morning. I probably should have done more research into the candidates, so I didn't place a vote for some of the positions, but for those I did, my voice shall be heard. It's a good feeling to know that I am not just standing idly by while the rest of the community decides my fate for me!

If you are a citizen of the U.S., live in California, are a registered voter, and are of legal age to vote, get into your local polling place and cast your vote too. There are too many important things going on right now, and things are too messed up to pass on your chance to change things!

Photo courtesy of Ana Schaeffer