All posts tagged Procreate

Drawgust 2021 – Drawing 17

Martin · 3 years

I've been thinking about doing this illustration every time I've been in the shower lately, but I was waiting for this week, where I would have more than one color to work with. This one's the wet shower glass, when the room is still steamy, just after that water's off.

And with that, I'm officially over the hump with Drawgust! The ideas of coming slower and slower, but I shall be back tomorrow with more. Thanks for checking it out!

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Drawgust 2021 – Drawing 10

Martin · 3 years

Continuing this week's theme of single color use, here's my tenth illustration for Drawgust, featuring a jewel thief narrowly avoiding the beam of a security guard's flashlight.

It's not my favorite drawing from this series, but I had been wanting to do one with blue and black shadows and a beam of light, so this fit the bill. I'll be back with another tomorrow!

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