All posts tagged Reflect Games


Martin · 17 years

There is much ado in the Game Maker community these days, thanks in large part to the recently announced YoYo Games Winter Competition. For those of you who haven't yet heard it, YoYo Games is putting on a game creation contest which runs from now until December 23. The rules are pretty simple, and the game must follow a "winter" theme, in pretty much any way the developer can implement it. Not surprisingly, more than a few people have admitted to making a game centered around Christmas for the competition, and though I have to admit, it was tempting, I've already made a Christmas game, and frankly, I think there is a lot more to winter than the major holidays. We'll see what people can come up with though; I have high hopes that we'll see an explosion of creativity for this comp, from more than just the usual gang.

The title of this article is based on the typical reactions of some of the people who have heard about all this, especially the $1,000 grand prize. GMC, YYG, OMG, WTF indeed.

One thing I am really liking about the Winter Competition however, is that it's given me a little bit more motivation to set aside all the games I've been playing, and re-focus on actually making something. That's not to say that I will definitely be able to carve out my idea entirely by the contest deadline, but I am certainly going to try to - if the result is any good, it will be another fun game to add to the pile at Reflect Games, no matter how it does in the contest.

I don't want to say too much about what I am working on yet, but since I have dropped a few hints here and there to various people, I figured I would talk a little about it.

Basically, I'm using the competition as a springboard of sorts, to propel myself into a game genre that I am not usually very engrossed in. I've been studying a few games of the same genre, and I think that with a little luck, I can put something together that is both visually impressive, and a more old school brand of fun. It seems appropriate anyway, because as much as I love all the new games these days, my gaming roots (as a player, anyway) are in the classic realm of 8-bit and 16-bit gameage. So the game's going to be 2D, and isn't going to be something mind-bendingly complex... just a little more reliant on player skill.

I'm also going to be using the theme of "winter," in a unique back story for my game... again, not something that will be horribly deep, but which will hopefully go beyond just throwing a snowy texture onto the floors in HT3D and calling it a new game. Winter as a theme should go beyond winter as a setting anyway.

Anyway, I'll be working a lot on my game this weekend, and if I feel it's progressed enough, maybe I'll post some teaser screens here when the game's farther along. I might put up some concept artwork I've made too, but for now you'll just have to take all my vagueness and come to your own conclusions.

Thanks for reading - Marty out!

More Games, More Competition

Martin · 17 years

So it's been a couple of weeks since the sharp increase in my games to work ratio (Halo 3), and now with the release of Orange Box, there are three new impending threats to further separate me from my productivity. For those of you not "in the know," Orange Box is Valve's continuation of the Half-Life 2 series, which includes Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (with HL2 and Episode 1 if I remember correctly), Portal, and Team Fortress 2. I've already written some kind words about TF2, which is one of my new favorite online games, and from watching all the videos of Portal, I think Orange Box is going to be an awesome purchase. But I'll save all the gushing comments for Valve's latest for another blog - I have a few things I want to talk about related to Game Maker and Reflect Games!

First, I wanted to announce that the second Reflect Games Game-In-A-Month contest is officially underway! I am sorry for announcing this here a week late, but there's still plenty of time for anyone interested to throw their hat into the ring. Game makers are challenged with creating a game in a month which follows a specific theme and control scheme. The games do not have to be finished to be entered, so there isn't a whole heck of a lot of pressure to actually finish... more so, you are encouraged to come up with a good idea, implement it in a fun way, and polish it. The competition is over on October 31, 2007, and there's $20 worth of goods at stake, so get to work!

Secondly, I've finally found the time to work on a little pet project of mine, which if it turns out alright, could be a nice, smallish game to add to the collection. I don't have a whole lot to say about it right now, since the project is still in it's very early stages, but it is a 3D game, and involves driving, and probably traffic. More on all this later though, and maybe a screen soon (if I can pull myself away from my gaming addiction for a few minutes). Of course, I've also got Falcon Squad getting cold on the back burner, as well as an unannounced, unnamed platform game, and a Tycoon-style game all bouncing around in various states... if only we had 36 hour days.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll try to update a bit more frequently in the future, and if you have anything you'd like to see me write about, leave a comment or drop me PM at GMC or Reflect Games. Thanks for reading!