All posts tagged social media

So long, Twitter

Martin · 2 years

Yesterday, Twitter was bought out by a private investor - or at least, it's in the process of being bought out right now - and I'm outta there so fast I'm leaving a Marty-shaped hole in the wall.

I've never really liked Twitter, honestly. It's not a bad platform, from a feature perspective, but I have never liked the short-form text format for expressing thoughts.

I can't have been the only one because over the years, Twitter expanded its Tweet size from the original 140 characters (designed for texting in a pre-smartphone era) to 280. Eventually, they added the ability to link together/post multiple Tweets at once, so you could more easily write something much longer. But the platform still encouraged you to distill your thoughts down to something bite-sized, and I just don't think that's good for having real, interesting interactions with people. I never have.

Ads became a more prevalent part of the experience over time as well, with every Nth Tweet a promotional message. Then a bunch of grifting losers flooded the platform trying to hawk bad products, bad people, etc. The scourge of NFT clowns and lying, political hacks twisted Twitter from a sometimes interesting and intimate experience to something rotten and awful.

I had a few fun moments connecting with people I already knew in person and from other platforms, and I saw (and shared!) lots of cool art there. But engagement with people I care about really fell off a cliff over the last few years, and watching the company be acquired by someone who doesn't seem to have any interest in the things that made old Twitter fun and useful is enough for me.

Is this thing still on…?

Martin · 4 years

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3... hey, it works!

So it's, uh, been a long time since I've posted here. A looong time. I'm not sure who might be reading this, but thanks for being here!

Maintaining a blog was cool a long time ago, until the likes of social media made it easier for everyone to just post their thoughts in one centralized hub. Over the years, we've learned, well, a lot about why sites like Facebook are kinda bad, and I've been gradually moving away from all that.

For now, I'm still maintaining my social accounts, and I'll probably still drop a Tweet here and there, but Facebook and its ilk are all but dead to me. I will make a final post there to direct people here and drop my contact info for anyone who wants to keep in touch, but (hopefully) I'm about done there. It won't be missed.

So it's back to using my blog, I suppose. I have grand plans for updating this website, adding more work, reorganizing the existing content, etc. I don't have a lot of time to do all that, but hey - nobody ever got anywhere without at least some aspirations, right?

Anyway, that's why there's suddenly a new blog post here on my site, after years of nothing. I will add more soon.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you here again, soon!

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