All posts tagged TV

Though I haven't been staying up late enough to catch much of this last week of The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien, I have been keeping up with the whole debacle every day on the internet. A proud member of Team Coco, I've been hunting down the latest clips every day, and have been greatly amused by Conan's increasingly insulting monologues. I've also had good fun seeing all the other late-night hosts weigh in on the issue, as well as people completely outside the blast radius (Ricky Gervais had some awesome things to say at the Golden Globes).

Anyway, it's too bad Conan won't be doing The Tonight Show for longer. I always liked him on Late Night, and he seems like a much funnier guy than Tonight's former (and soon, once again) host, Jay Leno. Hopefully Conan goes on to something much better and stomps Leno in ratings. Leno deserves it for not taking the high road and bowing out, and to a greater extent, NBC deserves it for making crappy decisions at the whims of their affiliates.

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We all have little fits of nostalgia now and then. And what better way to fulfill these odd urges than by jumping online and finding old videos on YouTube, toys on eBay, and DVD collections on Amazon?

So it was that I found myself browsing Amazon the other day, looking at old cartoons. Something I'd read that morning reminded me of an old cartoon I'd enjoyed as a kid, Doug, and I wanted to see if anyone ever got around to putting the series on DVD. This was one of those times when a mere search would satisfy my curiosity; no purchases were to be made.

I pulled up Amazon, typed in the word "Doug", and a few moments later was looking down a long list of cartoons and shows, many of which I remember watching in my youth.

The list read like a lineup of classic Nickelodeon shows: Doug, Ren & Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold!, The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Rugrats, Losing Control, The Secret World of... er, wait. Losing Control?

A softcore porno. In the middle of my Doug search results!

I find this completely hilarious. Right smack-dab in the middle of a bunch of cartoon DVD collections is some random adult DVD, which I can only surmise is there because one of the actors is named Doug Jeffery. A page or two down, the same search also yielded a Girls Gone Wild video, which apparently included "commentary" by comedian Doug Stanhope.

Maybe all those Bing commercials are right - perhaps we are indeed suffering from Search Overload Syndrome.

Comcast Ruined My Night

Martin · 16 years

Okay, so maybe they didn't really ruin my night — but they did make me quite angry.

I'm not really a huge TV guy. I only have one or two shows that I watch religiously. The Office (the American version) is one of the few shows I look forward to watching each week, and I reserve time every Thursday night to watch it.

This night was like any other night, except for two things. The first being that I missed the first few minutes of the show, because my girlfriend and I had gone out for dinner and barely made it back in time. The second being that after watching about two minutes of The Office and sitting through a commercial break, my Comcast cable stopped working.

My cable never blacks out when I'm going on my third hour of watching Lost re-runs or when I'm stuck in the hell of an endless array of Rachel Ray's 30-Minute Meals. But after waiting the whole week to watch one of the few shows I actually enjoy, I am instead treated to 40+ minutes of a black screen.

Thanks, Comcast Comcass Comcrap.