All posts tagged Update

Today, I released the first update to gamemaker-3d-io, a Blender addon I created to help get 3D models from Blender into GameMaker Studio 2.

This update brings some new functionality to the addon: in addition to triangle lists, it can now also export line lists and point lists. Some neat effects can now be achieved!

I also refactored the addon a bit, splitting out the data prep and output-building functions into their own modules. And I cleaned up the export menu to be more organized in a better way.

Get the addon at the link above, or at Github. If you happen to use this addon for your game, be sure to leave me a note and let me know what you think!

Pony Tale

Martin · 3 years

After the pandemic began last year, I decided I wouldn't get my hair cut again until we had gotten over the hump with it. I wear my hair long anyway - and only get the end lopped off occasionally at home - so it was one part solidarity, and one part laziness.

Now that my wife and I are fully vaccinated, and she's finally been able to safely go get her own hair cut, it seemed like it was finally time for me too.

So last night, I let her have at it, and my hair is about 8 inches shorter now! No more double hair ties. It feels good.

Is this thing still on…?

Martin · 4 years

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3... hey, it works!

So it's, uh, been a long time since I've posted here. A looong time. I'm not sure who might be reading this, but thanks for being here!

Maintaining a blog was cool a long time ago, until the likes of social media made it easier for everyone to just post their thoughts in one centralized hub. Over the years, we've learned, well, a lot about why sites like Facebook are kinda bad, and I've been gradually moving away from all that.

For now, I'm still maintaining my social accounts, and I'll probably still drop a Tweet here and there, but Facebook and its ilk are all but dead to me. I will make a final post there to direct people here and drop my contact info for anyone who wants to keep in touch, but (hopefully) I'm about done there. It won't be missed.

So it's back to using my blog, I suppose. I have grand plans for updating this website, adding more work, reorganizing the existing content, etc. I don't have a lot of time to do all that, but hey - nobody ever got anywhere without at least some aspirations, right?

Anyway, that's why there's suddenly a new blog post here on my site, after years of nothing. I will add more soon.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you here again, soon!

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Team Fortress 2: Scout Update

Martin · 16 years

Well, it's about freakin' time! Valve has finally unleashed the details of the upcoming Scout update, and even with only one item revealed at the time of this writing, it looks like it's going to be a good one!

The update page features six items that are to be revealed each weekday from now until next Tuesday. The first item, unlocked today, is the Scout's first achievable weapon: The Sandman. The Sandman is a special bat that allows you to belt baseballs at your opponents that will stun them on contact. The longer the ball flies as it sails towards its target, the longer that enemy will be stunned.

I'm looking forward to seeing what other additions Valve has in store for the Scout over the next seven days, and I'm pretty excited about the Sandman - it should add a whole new element to playing as the Scout and could make him much more useful on offense. Hopefully the achievements required to get the new weapons aren't too bad!

Gotta love the scout, eh?

Thanks to Yourself for pointing this out to me!