A Plague Tale: Requiem

Martin · 2 years (10:50 AM · Jul 16, 2021)

It took me a long time to try out Plague Tale: Innocence, even though it was on my radar, and in my game library, for a while. I remember looking at screenshots and thinking they looked pretty neat, and I even bought the game once it went on sale, but kept it on the back-burner as I worked on other games. When it hit Game Pass, a friend of mine played through it and recommended it to me, and I finally played it - and instantly regretted putting it off for so long.

I've grown a bit wary of games with grim settings, and so that was one thing keeping me from trying the game. I don't mind that stuff, but it just feels tiring to enter one bleak virtual world after another, each one befallen by a different catastrophe, but with the same dirty, dull end-point. APT:R is full of color, however, and the levels are varied enough that you never feel like you're covering the same ground again.

I think, also, I just wasn't sure what type of game APT:R would be. It turned out to be mostly a stealth game, with some puzzle elements, quicktime sequences, and boss fights thrown in. The skill level for the game was tuned just right, in my opinion, and I breezed through it, enjoying just about every moment. I'm glad the focus wasn't on combat, most of the time, because it would have betrayed the powerlessness the child protagonists were meant to feel.

That Asobo used a custom game engine for the game is remarkable - I assumed it was an Unreal 4 game until I found out otherwise. They put real-world scanned assets to great use, making the game world lush and believable (while simultaneously alleviating their artists from a lot of grunt work). The swarms of rats that act as the game's ever-present menace are also a technical feat.

Anyway, that's a lot of words for the short message I mean to convey here: I'm looking forward to A Plague Tale: Requiem, the sequel to Innocence!

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