All posts from category Marty Blog

Vacation: Over

Martin · 15 years

The inevitable end of my holiday vacation has arrived. Actually, it arrived yesterday, since that was my first day back at work after a New Year's four-day weekend, but I was feeling too lazy to post anything. Technically, I guess my brain was still in holiday mode, so maybe it is right to say that my vacation ended today. In any case, it's the new year, I'm back on the blog, and I've got a lot of gameage to talk about.

I had a great Christmas at home - it was nice to spend an extended amount of time with my family, play (and lose horribly) at Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, and other non-electronic games. We watched movies and sat around talking and joking with each other. I had a lot of fun hanging out with my mom, dad, and brother. And later on, after Christmas was over, I had another fun holiday weekend spent with my girlfriend. This included an awesome birthday (I'm 27 now, yikes!) with a nice dinner with my parents, a lunch the next day with just my girlfriend, a trip to the theater to see Yes Man (which was hilarious), and lots of cake and presents. So maybe you can understand why I've neglected the blog lately!

Like many people out there, I've also been sucked into playing a lot of games lately, since I got a few of them for Christmas. My mom and dad got me Fallout 3 and Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, and my brother got me Prince of Persia, so I've had my hands full. Of the three, I think my favorite is Banjo-Kazooie, since you can build just about any kind of vehicle you want, and thus, play the game just about any way you want, but I am enjoying all three for their own merits. Fallout 3 is proving to be the time sink that is par the course for Bethesda games, and Prince of Persia has been a surprisingly fresh and fun experience, akin to the Sands of Time game, though with less frustration (so far).I'll write more about each game individually in the coming week as I continue to play through them, but for now I just wanted to drop a note to let everyone know how things are going for me. Thanks for reading, and I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season!

Oh, and I'll be raffling off the copy of Half-Life 2 + HL2: Episode 1 again soon - so stay tuned!

Marty Blog Big 100: Post & Win

Martin · 15 years

I know, I know - this technically isn't my 100th post. Well, no matter - I've been busy with things, and haven't had time to lead up to 100 before my holiday vacation, so I'll make an exception and we'll do the raffle at post 95. It is a good time to be charitable, after all.

I am happy to say that Marty Blog is still going strong into the final weeks of 2008, and I am pleased with the way the year has gone for the blog. I've been able to (semi) consistently post here about things that I care about and find interesting. I've had a great time talking about these things with members of the GMC and Reflect Communities here. And I've even moved past the default theme (and hopefully will move past my current theme with something better in 2009). In short, it's been a fun year, and I look forward to a continuation of that for the next.

Anyway, enough of the formal stuff - you're probably reading this because you want in on the commemorative raffle, and frankly, I don't blame you. So here goes!

To help celebrate the continuation of Marty Blog, and to give back to everyone who's helped make the blog fun for me, I've put together another little raffle - Marty Blog's second Post & Win!

What can you win?

The grand prize for the raffle is a brand new (digital) copy of BioWare's awesomely fun action-RPG, Mass Effect! If you've already got a copy of Mass Effect, or if it's not really your thing, I'll also let you sub in any other single game of equal or lesser value ($30) that's currently on Steam.

Additionally, second and third prize winners will be chosen, and each will be able to choose from any single game currently on Steam for $15 or less and $5 or less respectively. Steam's catalog has grown impressively since the last raffle, and there are some great new games available now, so there should be something for just about everyone there, for each prize value.

Finally, I've got a spare copy of Half-Life 2 + HL2: Episode 1 just sitting in my Steam account, ready to be gifted. If you're interested in that as well, say so in your post, and once the winners have been chosen, I'll take all the losers (you're all winners to me... really) and do one final drawing for this lovely prize. This one is non-negotiable because it's actually just an extra copy I have.

Note: Many of the games on Steam, including Mass Effect and Half-Life 2, are rated Mature by the ESRB, and may contain violence or sex. I have no way of verifying people's age, so I will assume that if you enter the raffle, you are 18 or older, or you have your parent's permission to play games of this nature.

How do you enter?

Simply post a comment below (make sure to enter an email address I can contact you with in the appropriate area of the comment form). Feel free to post suggestions, criticism, long manifestos of support and encouragement, dear John letters, requests for personal advice, announcements about the sentry gun you just built, or whatever else you can think of. Everything is welcome!

Your name will only be entered into the raffle once, no matter how many comments you leave, and registered users of the site who comment will have a slightly higher chance of being chosen.

Entrants must have a Steam account, or must be willing to register for one if they win. Steam is free, it's a great service, and I am happy to promote it. If you win and I am unable to award you your prize within a reasonable amount of time, the item will be re-raffled. Apologies to anyone who lives outside of the U.S. or who doesn't have access to Steam or it's catalog of games.

Attempts at entering your name into the raffle more than once (or any other kind of cheating) will result in your name, and all aliases thought to be associated with you, removed from the drawing. And of course, Marty Blog reserves all rights to make the final decision on the validity of any entry.

Entries close at the end of the holiday weekend - Sunday, December 28th at 11:59 PM PST - so be sure to make your comment before then! Winners will be announced the following day. I wanted to have winners announced before then, but I figured I'd give everyone out there a chance to enter, and of course, I'd also like to give myself some time off over the next few days. Win/win.

Thanks again to everyone out there who reads Marty Blog now and then. I truly appreciate your visits to this site, and I hope that the site remains fun and enjoyable to you as we move into the future! And yes, I know I recycled that from my previous Post & Win, but I think it's still very applicable. I hope you all have happy holidays this season!

WordPress 2.7 Looming

Martin · 15 years

With the upcoming release of WordPress 2.7, I'm considering redesigning the look of this blog - especially if the current theme fails to be compatible.

The official release of 2.7 will be in 5 days (on December 10th), but I'll probably change over to Release Candidate 1 before that, at which point I will disable themes and plug-ins so as to determine which will work and which will not without affecting the uptime of the site too much. So if Marty Blog goes "vanilla" and reverts back to the default WordPress theme for a while in the coming days, don't worry - it's just Marty tinkerin' with the new WordPress.

It's funny how these sorts of things grow on you - a few years ago I had neither the time nor the interest in maintaining a blog. When I finally came around and felt it might be an interesting endeavor, I entered into it a bit timidly, and spent lots of time trying to figure out which software would be the most versatile, and the easiest to use. WordPress had a nice, clean look to it, and looking over the feature list and stumbling upon many sites that used it helped push me over the edge to try it out.

It turned out that my investigating paid off - and I've been enjoying WordPress for over a year now. The number of updates and the quality of the plug-ins available has always impressed me, and I hope that I can say the same moving forward into the big changes with version 2.7 over the coming weeks.

If you're interested in blogging, I recommend giving WordPress a shot. You'll probably like it!

Marty Moved

Martin · 15 years

Over the last week I was busy boxing up all my stuff and trying to coordinate all my services (cable, internet, electricity, etc.) to have things ready for my move, and this weekend I got everything moved over - I am now officially moved out of my old apartment, and living with my girlfriend at the new one. There are still a lot of boxes to sort through, but the computer is set up, the Xbox is up and running, and... I've got no internet yet!

You see, me being the master planner that I am, only called up AT&T to transfer my existing phone and internet service on friday of last week. This translates into my landline being moved today and my internet being reconnected on Wednesday. Not an entirely raw deal, as I can go about most of my business without it - I've got plenty of games that need playing, and the aforementioned boxes to unpack. Still, it has been an inconvenience when I've needed to get phone numbers and other information which I normally collect from the internet in about 5 seconds, but now have to obtain either by searching the phone book or calling up 411, both of which are expensive prospects in time and money respectively.

At first, I was tempted to activate my cell phone's limited internet capabilities (by adding a $5-a-month charge to my plan) but being through the bulk my time without the internet now, I think I'll just wait it out.

Being without the worldwide time sink that is the internet, I've also had some time (between games and unpacking, of course) to think about some of the GM content I want to release here on my site in the near future, particularly of the example and tutorial flavor. I still want to put together a simple tutorial about how to make that animated water texture I introduced in my 3D example, as well as an example for the fire particles I used in Sun Sun Der, and a few other small things. I should have plenty of time to work on a couple of these over the next few days, so we'll see what I can come up with. If anyone has any ideas about what they'd want to see, please let me know in the comments below.

Anyway, I just wanted to write a little about where I am with my GM work and offer an explanation as to why you might not have seen me on AIM/MSN/XBL/GMC/etc. over the weekend. Thanks for reading, and again, please let me know of any examples/tutorials you might want to see, preferably graphics oriented.

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No Spamk You

Martin · 15 years

Ugh, that title is terrible. Sorry.

I just wanted to report that over the last 24 hours, Marty Blog got slammed with over 100 comment spam messages. You didn't see any of them, thanks to WordPress Hashcash. Instead, I got to privately view them all (at one point I was getting about one spam comment a minute), and I deleted every last one of them. I also deleted a post which I think was the catalyst for all of them, a generic comment made on my old post about the Spore Creature Creator. It's funny how whenever I post about more popular games at the time, the blog starts getting hit with a temporary surge of spam.

In any case, the spam comments have since slowed down, and I've only had one or two to delete all day. It seems all is well once again.

Oh, and I also picked up Fable 2 on my lunch hour today. A bunch of good reviews (and an undying love for the original game) can go a long way I suppose. I'll report on that later once I get a chance to play it.

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New Theme!

Martin · 15 years

I've spent an unfortunate portion of my weekend putting together a new theme for the blog - and here it is!

If you notice any quirks with the new theme, please let me know - I'm so tired of looking at CSS and PHP I can't be sure that I've gotten everything fixed (aside from the login screen, will do that soon).

Anyway, hope everyone likes it! I'm off to play some Xbox... or pretty much anything else that doesn't involve me sitting at my computer.

Raffle Results Are In!

Martin · 15 years

Thanks to everyone who entered the raffle to celebrate Marty Blog's 50th post, and congratulations to the winners, listed below! And no, that's not a picture of me up there.

Runners Up ($5 game via Steam): CoolGmrSms and Xxypher

Grand Prize (Team Fortress 2 or $20 equivalent via Steam): Xot

I will be contacting the winners via email. Hope to see you all around the site again soon, and thanks for helping to make this a successful raffle!

Marty Blog Big 50: Post & Win

Martin · 15 years

Well, it's finally happened - Marty Blog's 50th blog post is here! Not too shabby for a project that sprang to life as a mere experiment to organize my thoughts on gaming, art, developing, and the rest of that fun stuff. I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of Marty Blog so far, and I've got some neat stuff planned for the future, so I hope that you'll join me as I add more content and features to the growing pile o' stuff here.

To help celebrate the continuation of Marty Blog, and to give back to everyone who's helped make the blog fun for me, I've put together a little raffle - which I've dubbed Post & Win!

What can you win?

The grand prize for the raffle is a brand new (digital) copy of Valve's über fun frag-fest Team Fortress 2!

If you've already got a copy of TF2, or if it's not really your thing, I'll also let you sub in any other single game of equal or lesser value that's currently on Steam.

Additionally, two runners-up will be able to choose from any single game currently on Steam for $5 or less. This includes such classics as Commander Keen, Day of Defeat, and Silent Hunter III.

How do you enter?

Simply post a comment below (make sure to enter an email address I can contact you with in the appropriate area of the comment form) and tell me what you think about Marty Blog. Suggestions, criticism, and long manifestos of support and encouragement are welcome!

Your name will only be entered into the raffle once, no matter how many comments you leave, and registered users of the site who comment will have a slightly higher chance of being chosen.

Entrants must have a Steam account or must be willing to register for one if they win. Steam is free, it's a great service, and I am happy to promote it. If you win and I am unable to award you your prize within a reasonable amount of time, the item will be re-raffled. Apologies to anyone who lives outside of the U.S. or who doesn't have access to Steam or its catalog of games.

Attempts at entering your name into the raffle more than once (or any other kind of cheating) will result in your name, and all aliases thought to be associated with you, removed from the drawing. And of course, Marty Blog reserves all rights to make the final decision on the validity of any entry.

Entries close at the end of the weekend - Sunday, August 3rd at 11:59 PM PST - so be sure to make your comment before then! Winners will be announced the following day.

Thanks again to everyone out there who reads Marty Blog now and then. I truly appreciate your visits to this site, and I hope that the site remains fun and enjoyable to you as we move into the future!