Competition #4 Entry: Progress Update 1

Martin · 16 years (9:12 AM · Sep 26, 2008)

I've decided to take a slightly different approach with my YYG Competition #4 entry, and post semi-regular progress updates as things move along. I'm not quite ready to unveil my master plan for the game, but I will reveal more as time goes on (and as time allows). I'm still trying to decide which aspects of my ideas will be able to make it in under the deadline while still allowing me enough time to make sure the game is fun and thoroughly polished, so at this point, it's hard to say what the final game will be like anyway, or whether or not I will even be able to finish it.

That said, progress is good so far. The game is going to have a focus on driving, and the driving engine is virtually done, save for collisions and all the extra stuff I have to add onto it later. Here are some screenshots of the game as it looks now. Textureless and a bit empty. But fun to drive around in!

Hopefully I have something more substantial to show next time... for now, enjoy the stills!


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