I didn't wait long this Drawrch to bust out the Inka brush, but it's one of my favorites, so I have no shame in that. This illustration seemed like a good fit for it too, with the woman's hair slightly wind-blown and the bright highlights on the left.
The sketch looked good to me, but the finished drawing has the woman's face looking a little too wide compared to the reference. That's how these things go, though! 😅
This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Inka brush for linework, the Soft air brush for some extra shading, and the Tarraleah brush for background texture.
The photo I used as a reference for this drawing is from SketchDaily.
If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below: