Happy Halloween!

Martin · 16 years (10:28 AM · Nov 3, 2008)

This is just a short post - I hope everyone had a great Halloween this year! I know I did, and I didn't even go trick-or-treating!

I was quite surprised when I fired up Steam yesterday and found that Valve had released the intro movie for Left 4 Dead, a game which looks like it's going to be tons of fun. The video looks good and scary, and it makes the wait for this game even more tough than before!

There are so many games coming out lately though... it's getting difficult to spend time on all of them. Hopefully after the holidays are all over, we'll get some sort of reprieve while game developers get back to working on next year's line-up of hits.

I'll be back here later to post about tomorrow's elections, I think. There's just too much going on not for me to comment about it at some point. Until then, thanks for reading, and enjoy the L4D video above!


  • F1ak3r says:

    I am seriously excited for Left 4 Dead. That looks and sounds like it’s going to be absolutely fantastic, and enormously replayable.

  • ninjutsu63 says:

    Hm, it would be so much better if game releases would be more spaced out in the year. We seem to get hardly any great games in the summer. Although I understand it’s an unpopular decision for marketing concerns.
    Anyway, Left 4 Dead looks great, especially the four-player co-op.

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  • skinnyeddy says:

    I’m still not sure about this game. The premise is good but there are so many other great games coming out about now. I might wait till the sales for this on 360.

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