June Toons 2024 #1: Triking

Martin · 264 days (4:02 PM · Jun 1, 2024)
A cartoon illustration of a boy riding a tricycle toward the viewer. The boy has his tongue sticking out and beads of sweat flying off, and looks like he' struggling. The hot summer sun is hanging over him in the sky, and the words "June Toons!" float in the sky above and behind him. The boy has orange-reddish skin from the sun's shade and sandy blond hair. He is wearing a green t-shirt with a gold star on it, blue shorts, and a lime-green bike helmet and shoes. The tricycle is blue with chrome accents. The words "June Toons!" are a shiny pink with a dark outline.

Just when I'm getting used to having tons of free time every day, it's time for another illustration project: June Toons 2024!

As usual, this is a project where I create a new cartoon illustration every day of the month of June.

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Syrup brush for linework, the Soft air brush for gradients, and the Fat Nozzle spray paint brush for background texture.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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