June Toons 2024 #29: Sock Puppet

Martin · 268 days (10:56 PM · Jun 29, 2024)
A cartoon illustration of a sock puppet sticking out of a hole. The sock is standing stream up with a slightly downturned mouth, typical of a sock puppet in a "resting" position. The sock is a slight yellow with a red toe, a brown patch halfway down the ankle, and two buttons sewn in place of eyes. The buttons are green and blue, and the string that binds them to the sock is visible. The hole is twice as wide as the puppet and is blue inside. The background is a salmon color with two small horizontal lines behind the sock puppet, hinting at a faint horizon.

My second-to-last June Toons cartoon is... a sock puppet! 🧦

This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching and the Syrup brush for everything else.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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