My final June Toons cartoon for 2024 is of a pig sticking out of a series of familiar colored rings. That's it! 😆
This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Syrup brush for linework, and the Soft air brush for gradients.
I mentioned this a few days ago, but I really felt like I ran out of gas on this project. Work got really busy about halfway through, and I never got a chance to catch up and do them during the day - I was always chasing the project at night, barely finishing on time, and cutting corners wherever I could.
That said, when I look back on all the cartoons I made this month, I'm happy with the project as a whole. I've been drawing on my iPad Pro in Procreate for a long time now, but I still am surprised at how much more comfortable I get with it, with each project completed.
I hope you enjoyed see each drawing this month and watching them get drawn! Hopefully I'll have some more ideas for the new drawing project in August! Until then, I'll be posting other projects, so keep an eye out for more fun stuff. Thanks for following along with me!
If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:
And if you'd like to see all of the drawing time-lapses once more, you can find them on this YouTube playlist.