All posts tagged remaster

Here We Go Again

Martin · 3 years

The remastered Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was added to Game Pass today, so I downloaded it to see how things have held up.

I originally played this game on PC (I still have the discs, somewhere) and had a pretty good time with it - until I hit a few missions where the terrible controls were too much to overcome, and I quit. I also gave the Xbox 360 version a try, but that was a port of the mobile version, so it was even worse.

I thought the new remastered versions were built from the ground up, or at least ported to a new game engine - Unreal? - but so much of the original jankiness remains, I have doubts. Mercifully, the controls do feel better though.

I'm not a huge fan of the remastering that Rockstar has done here, however. I feel like this could've been done better with less high-resolution texturing and more work on the underlying 3D assets.

The interior of CJ's house looks like something a modder would've created in the earlier days of game mods, where a high resolution texture pack was about the most anyone could do.

The models of the characters are also weird looking. The original models had to be styled a certain way to make up for their lack of fidelity, and so had a reason for looking more like caricatures. This remastered version adds a level or two of smooth subdivisions on top of stupidly high-resolution textures, and the result is extremely off-putting. It felt almost offensive to me on first viewing.

The lighting is also kind of bad. It feels like nobody tested these games.

I know there's more to it than that, and I don't mean to shit on the work of the people who created these games, but I'm glad I didn't impulse buy the trilogy right when they announced it. I'm hoping some work might be done to iron out the worse parts so that by the time I get around to playing these games again, they might actually be worth it.

Thoughts on Mass Effect 3

Martin · 3 years

I completed Mass Effect 3 for the second time, finishing out the remastered Legendary Edition trilogy. Like Mass Effect 2, I had almost no recollection of playing the original game 9 years ago, and so it felt like a new experience, save for a few bits here and there that had stuck with me.

Like my other posts, there might be spoilers in here. So if for some reason you've not played these games yet, it's a good time to stop reading.

That's right - this dude is back to finish the job he accidentally started two games ago.

It's funny - going into the Legendary Edition, most of my memories were of the first game, and I always considered that one my favorite by a long shot. I still look back on it fondly, but after playing them all once more, back-to-back, I feel a little different about it. Both ME2 and ME3 are excellent games, each telling an entertaining story, and each refining the experience in its own way. The sequels also feel more fleshed out and more focused than the first game, and just all around more polished. I'm not just a fan of the first game now; I'm a fan of the entire trilogy.

Emotion runs high in the third game. It opens with a full-scale Reaper invasion of Earth, and has Shepard flee in order to rally the other races of the galaxy to help stop the annihilation of all sentient life. At every turn you are reminded that the battle rages back home as you hop around space trying to make friends, recruit allies, and fight back the enemies.

The finality of it all is palpable, and this leads to many great moments in the story. For example, I'd had Garrus on my strike teams throughout all three games, and so at one point, when I took him up on some downtime at the Citadel, he and Shepard shared a really fun moment as they took turns shooting at clay pigeons. It was touching to see these two friends, who had been through so much, take a minute to appreciate each other as the fight of their lives loomed.

I also made a late-game decision to romance Liara, who Shepard had kept at arm's distance throughout the trilogy, and that lead to many satisfying sequences as the game drew to an end.

It was powerful to see all these characters grow throughout the series, and to show love for each other before taking on the final mission, which none may survive. It is a credit to all the work BioWare did with these games that those moments feel so real.

Weirdly, there is no boss fight at the end of ME3. That is something I did not remember. Instead, you face a series of difficult enemy encounters that lead up to the finale, where you can choose one of three potential futures for the entire galaxy. I was glad for no boss fight, but I still don't like the run-up to the end sequence. The AI you meet when you activate the Gauntlet is strange, and I don't like how it has to explain the entire story to you, to tie everything together. The story itself is fine though, and even though the ending of the game was altered a bit since the first time I played ME3, I didn't really feel like it needed it.

I chose to destroy the Reapers, along with all non-organic life, and it was good, though I was sad to see Legion be killed. I was surprised at the end, when after the Citadel was destroyed and all Shepard's friends had gathered to say goodbye, I was treated to one final scene where it is pretty heavily implied that Shepard survived the ordeal. That I had never seen before, but I guess you can get that small change to the ending if you manage to grow your defense force to a certain size.

So I did enjoy the game and conclusion pretty thoroughly, but I had a few gripes too, as usual.

I am still not a fan of the way Ashley Williams' appearance was changed. It still looks really overdone compared to her modest introduction on Eden Prime in the original game. I get that she has advanced in her career and gotten past Shepard, who she bonded with in ME1, but no other character in the game was redone in such a ham-fisted way. It's honestly distracting.

Though Ashley was the biggest change, I felt like all the women of Mass Effect were sexualized more, to lesser and greater extent. I'm not a prude, so I don't mind if games dare to venture into that territory - but after the modest start with ME1, where the focus was the story, and all the men and women had somewhat realistic proportions, ME3 (and to some extent ME2) just got sexier - for no reason other than, I'm assuming, to be more of a spectacle. This change isn't as prevalent in the Legendary Edition, since the characters all use the same model assets throughout the remaster, but it's something I noticed in my original playthrough and something that just felt off this time around as well.

Finally, though I appreciate all the added content the included DLC provides to the game, I didn't really care for the odd change in tone it carries with it. In one new sequence, you're lead on a wild goose chase around the Citadel after a failed assassination attempt on Shepard - okay, fair enough. This endeavor eventually includes every member of your crew in the same fight, which is fun, but throughout this segment, the characters make an endless series of action-movie type jokes. The jokes are funny, and I did have a good time hearing the lighter side of the crew, but this happens in the middle of saying goodbye to old crew members who you might never see again, working diplomacy between proud and jealous alien races, and preparing for what might be the final fight for all sentient life. It jut feels like too big a departure from the otherwise serious tone of the game.

Anyway, those are pretty minor complaints. I spent many, many hours playing through the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and I loved the experience all over again. The Mass Effect trilogy is a masterpiece.

Now... maybe it's time to finally give Mass Effect: Andromeda a proper playthrough?

Thoughts on Mass Effect 2

Martin · 3 years

I've finally finished Mass Effect 2 again - and I've got a lot to say about it!

Just an FYI: if you care about spoilers for this 11 year old game, stop reading now.

I'm a fan of the Mass Effect series - I've read the books! - but I remember surprisingly little of this game from my first play-through back in 2010. I didn't replay it as many times as the first game, because I didn't really like many of the changes BioWare made. I have a better appreciation for ME2 now, although there are still some things I find annoying.

My baldy Shepard is back! I like that he's sort of a normal-looking dude, though. It helps sell the game's story.

In a lot of ways, ME2 feels like the game that Mass Effect 1 wanted to be. Gone are the long "gray box" hallways, the elevator loading sequences, and the generic planet bases reachable only by way of the Mako. In their place are a number of custom set-pieces and scenarios that never feel like they've been copied and pasted from another part of the game. There are a handful of large city areas to explore. The expanded interior of the new Normandy is more believable. The combat feels more strategic and punchy, and the game overall just feels more solid. ME2 is what ME1 might have been, had it had a longer development cycle, and a larger budget, I suspect.

Coming straight off the first game, ME2 is much darker - both in presentation and story.

The lighting effects in this game are much more dramatic than the original game, likely the result of the better-produced game world. Sometimes, it's distracting, and I did miss the softer, film-grainy look of ME1, but it's not necessarily bad.

With Shephard relegated to the seedier side of the galaxy, the subject matter in this game is accordingly much darker as well. New, more scary alien races are introduced as villains, as are a number of missions that have you exploring messy subjects like human experimentation, forced captivity, slavery, etc. Many of these themes are present in the first game's lore, but they are brought to life in ME2. There's also more cursing, which I personally don't mind, and is more a sign of the times during which the game was developed, rather than anything that services the characters or story.

ME2 still has the same expansive feel of the first game, minus (most of) the planetary romps. The galaxy map is augmented with a new mechanic where you have to buy/spend fuel to get around locally. Rather than bouncing around planets in the Mako, you now scan planets from the comfort of space and send out probes to mine resources. Included DLC adds the Hammerhead, a hovercraft that you take out on a few short missions, but those are neither interesting or particularly memorable - I didn't do any of them until I was ready to complete the game.

I appreciate all the work that went into ME2. As I mentioned above, levels feel complete and fleshed out, in both size and detail. There are a number of cool surprises in the story: Tali appearing with the Quarian strike team in the opening sequence, Ashley (confronting Shephard!) on Horizon, the reveal of Garrus as Archangel, the battle with the Shadowbroker, and the last addition to your team, a rogue Geth platform. I had a great time cruising around the galaxy collecting team members and helping them out.

The core of the game is less intimate than the first, but it's still quite engaging. I actually felt a bit touched when Shephard met old members of his team and gave them a hug. That is what humanity brings to the stars!

There are the inevitable bumps in the road, of course. One thing that I really dislike is the inclusion of a "mission complete" screen at the end of each sequence. Outside of these screens, the game retains the same cinematic feel as the first - so it is particularly strange to me that BioWare felt that constantly reminding players that this is, indeed, a game, was a good idea.

Another annoyance is that, in the Legendary Edition, it's not uncommon for some bits of dialogue to get cut off just before it finishes. It doesn't happen frequently enough to ruin the game, but it happens often nonetheless. This bug was present in ME1 as well.

The soundtrack is a little less synthy than I want it to be, but there are some cool moments there as well. It's serviceable.

One final gripe is with the end-game sequence where, after the Normandy's crew is abducted, you are given the option to keep exploring/completing missions or get right to the rescue effort. Unless you're familiar with the game, it's not obvious that you will trigger this event until you do - and then it's not obvious that there will be consequences if you don't begin the end-game immediately. Wanting to get the best ending, I had to play through the last few hours of the game twice, because on my first run, I opted to finished up all my open missions before tackling the finale, and nearly all of my crew was killed before I got there.

The end-game is cool. Instead of the standard 3-person mission, you work through a number of sequences where you choose a leader for a second strike team, an infiltrator, and other specialists. Who you choose and their loyalty status determines the outcome, and there are a number of things that can go wrong if you pick poorly.

I'm not a fan of the final boss: a human Reaper, which looks like a giant Terminator robot. It's huge and scary to look at, but the idea that the Reapers, ancient machine-beings that kill all sentient life every 50,000 years, needed to make a human version of themselves is just silly to me. There is some voiceover-provided lore about how they assimilate new sentient races to make new Reapers, but all the rest of them look like insects, so it just doesn't fit.

Anyway, I'm on to Mass Effect 3 now, and I remember absolutely nothing from that game. I will be back with another progress report once that one's behind me!

Thoughts on Mass Effect

Martin · 3 years

Last night, I finished the first Mass Effect, as part of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition remastered re-release of all three of the original games. I'm sort of an opportunistic completionist, so I made sure to do all the achievements. It all took me around 46 hours.

I've played the original game from start to finish a few other times before, but it has been a while, so I didn't remember much outside of the main story beats. I had a lot of fun re-experiencing it, and there were still a few things that I found surprising and noteworthy as I replayed the game.

My biggest surprise was how few mainline missions there are. The number of missions that advance the story and lead you to the end of the game is surprisingly low. They ran longer than I remembered, though, so that was nice. One early mission took me around 2-3 hours as I explored the entirety of the map and completed all the objectives. As I get older, I find it harder to devote that kind of time to games - at least, not without interruptions - so some of the missions took me multiple sessions to finish.

I was also a bit stunned at how clunky - and in the early game, strangely challenging - the combat is. If there is any part of this remastered Mass Effect that cannot hide its age well, it's the combat. Enemies are extremely basic, sliding into cover by just running into it feels weird, and the balance is off; your AI-controlled teammates either require constant babysitting or are an unstoppable force of combat and biotic abilities.

A good portion of the game is the combat, so luckily it doesn't take much time to get used to its eccentricities. But at times I wondered how this game was able to overcome how weird the combat is and become the beloved property that it is today.

If you've played the game using the default male Shephard, or you're familiar with the various promotional materials, you might be wondering who that odd-looking bald man is in the screenshot at the top of this post. Well, I was delighted that BioWare added the option to use a character code to import your old characters from previous play-throughs, and so that's how the game's hero, Shepard, looks in my game.

He is the result of me firing the game up when it first arrived 14 years ago, and in my rush to play, anxiously mashing through the character creator. I figured, once I got a taste of the game, I'd start over with a proper character that looked a bit more like me. But the game was so engrossing, I ended up not wanting to start over, and got used to the way he looked. Now I cannot hear male Shepard's voice without automatically thinking of this weird dude. I like him!

It was nice that BioWare added the option to use a custom character code at the beginning of the first game, so I could easily import this guy from my original play-throughs. It had one odd quirk, in that the skin color was wrong when I entered it the first time, but that was easily sorted out.

My experience with the Legendary Edition is limited to the first game so far, but it's been a good one. The game looks and runs great on my Xbox Series X, and was a joy to experience once more. There were certainly parts that I wish could have been touched a little more heavily by the remaster team, and a few bugs here and there, but despite all that, it's quite easy to get caught up in the sci-fi world of Mass Effect BioWare created.

On to Mass Effect 2 now, I suppose!

Tommy Angelo

I played the original Mafia a lot when I was in college. The game had many faults: it was brutally difficult, driving around was tedious, and it was sort of a technical mess. But it was Grand Theft Auto in the 1930's, and when it all clicked, it was still fun.

So when Mafia: Definitive Edition was announced last year, I was excited. I still have the original PC game discs, and I'd tried to get them to run on my modern machines, but it would never work. Finally, I'd get to relive one of my favorite games of old!

I finally got around to playing it in 2021, and honestly, the game is just great. Even though the game has been rebuilt and changed around a bit, it has all the missions I remember from the original - and everything is much more polished and thoughtful.

Mid-mission save points take a lot of the frustration out of the more difficult sequences, so one mistake doesn't mean you have to carefully redo the entire level. The game physics are also a lot more forgiving - to the point that, if you accidentally flip your car over, you can press a button to right it. Sure, that can break the immersion a bit, but I don't mind. It's too convenient for me to get mad.

This particular game engine seems a lot more robust than the original as well - I played the entire game, from start to finish, without one problem. I even left the game running over multiple days, using my Xbox's quick resume feature to continue from the same point each day.

The game is beautiful as well; the city of Lost Heaven (and its inhabitants) never looked so good! Everywhere you go, there is careful detail to be found - I could go on and on about how much care seems to have gone into this game world. Even though the scope is a bit smaller, it's on par with games like Grand Theft Auto V or Red Dead Redemption 2, in my opinion - and the team who made it should be proud.

The cinematic cut scenes are particularly great. I never found myself wanting to skip them because they are so well done.

I have a few minor gripes, of course. The music, though good, is one of the only parts of the game that seems to have been completely changed from the original. I miss the original music, even though it was quite repetitive.

I also miss the original voice acting - but not nearly as much as the music. The new acting is actually really well done, and by the end of the game I didn't miss the original voice work at all, but if you played a lot of the original (and you remember it), the new voice acting might take some getting used to.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this game, and I'm glad that, thanks to this remaster, it wasn't lost to time.

Now I need to get on Mafia 2 and 3 - both of which I've never really played before!