I was playing around with some Blender stuff for work, and experimenting with creating rocks/asteroids. This isn't a design we ultimately went with, but it was a good subject for some lighting and texture practice in Cycles.
I was playing around with some Blender stuff for work, and experimenting with creating rocks/asteroids. This isn't a design we ultimately went with, but it was a good subject for some lighting and texture practice in Cycles.
After finishing the last render in this series, I posted it to Facebook and a friend of mine who has a lot of experience working in the VFX industry gave me some great critique. So I took this the project back to the drawing board and using his notes, re-worked almost every part of the scene. The result is a much better render!
You can read a bit about the process of building this render here.
Here's the final render for my handheld system, which I've dubbed the Martendo.
To finish this one off, I tweaked a lot of the finer points of the geometry of the cartridges, added pins to the boards, and put some images on the screen and cartridge labels.
This was a satisfying little Blender project for me. It's always nice to be able to set aside some time and just make something for the fun of it.
A small update to the render I posted the other day, featuring a chunky little handheld game console.
I've worked on the back a bit, adding a battery compartment, an indentation for the console information, and some screw holes (which actually have screw heads in them).
I thought I was pretty much done with this, but after I rendered it out, I noticed that the cartridges just don't look finished. I think I also want to add some generic branding/labels to the carts and the back of the console too, and maybe a simple image on the screen. I might do that part (the screen) in Photoshop though, just to make things simpler. We'll see!
This is just a quick little render of a handheld video game console I made today. The proportions are probably all off, but I like how it looks. There's a volume wheel on the opposite side, and I even left a slot in the back for a cartridge.
Future additions will probably include a game cartridge in the back and a battery compartment cover.
A friend of mine wanted a background for his new phone, and after way too much time spent thinking about what I wanted to make for him, I had a revelation while working on a similar project for an Xbox One theme. This image was created in blender using a basic cube and a bunch of modifiers to add geometry, displace it, and make it explode.