I played through Tunic, which came to Xbox Game Pass recently, and it's a pretty neat game - marred a bit, unfortunately, by its difficulty.
The game is gorgeous, and I had a great time exploring the game's world, discovering secrets, and leveling up my hero. I beat a few bosses, and collected a good deal of the key items. There always seems to be a hidden prize around the next corner or a secret passage nearby. I really like the way you uncover pages of the game's "manual" - which looks something like an old NES game's instruction book mixed a strategy guide - and the cryptic way it helps you get to know the game's world.
But after a few boss fights that started tough, and got tougher as I went on, I got to one that I just couldn't beat. My reflexes aren't great, and I'm not very good at anticipating boss movements in games, but even with a ton of extra items on hand, I just couldn't power through it. I must have tried 30 times.
Tunic has a "no fail" mode that keeps your health from depleting (and still lets you earn achievements), and I reluctantly turned it on to continue. But it felt bad to do this after spending so much time without it, and I just wish the game wasn't so difficult. I turned this feature off again after that fight, but had to use it again later for another boss fight that was just outrageously, impossibly difficult.
Maybe games like this aren't for me, and I appreciate "no fail" mode, but I feel like this game in particular would be so much better if the difficulty were just scaled down a bit. It didn't need to be this brutally difficult.
It's a shame because otherwise I really love this game. It's excellent in so many ways, but it will always be somewhat inaccessible to many players because of its difficulty (and many peoples' reluctance to use helper modes to bypass tough fights).