Februdoodle 2025 #26: Snobs

Martin · 7 days (11:06 PM · Feb 26, 2025)
An illustration of two deformed cartoon people posing with each other. The person on the left is a short, squat man. He has a light complexion, a long upturned nose, a round chin, a large mustache that arcs outward, and a small tuft of matching hair on top of his head. He is not smiling, and his eyes are closed. His outer arm is holding his shirt collar, and his inner arm is going behind the other person. His figure is thumb-like, and his body is arced away from the other person. He is wearing a green blazer and pale green collared shirt. The person on the right is a woman with a similar shape and pose, except she is much taller and thinner than the man. The woman has a pale complexion, a long upturned nose, thin eyebrows, a small round chin, and large lips with pink lipstick. She is wearing flowery earrings and a matching necklace. She is not smiling, and her eyes are closed. She has long hair that curves out from behind her neck. She is wearing a blue gown. She is holding a small purse on her outer arm, and has her inner arm behind the man. Both figures are spotted with a spray paint texture making their skin and clothes slightly darker. The background is a bright turquoise with a large sky-blue spray paint splatter directly behind the people.

I like occasionally drawing people from absurd shapes, and that's exactly what I did with today's Februdoodle. I've done similar images for other projects before, with a very mis-matched man and woman together in a portrait, and I always end up making the woman tower over the man. Not sure why!

Anyway, this was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Syrup brush for linework, the Soft air brush for shading, and the Fat Nozzle spray paint brush for texture.

If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:

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