On that last day of this year's Februdoodle, I realized that I hadn't done a robot drawing yet, so here it is!
I had the idea of doing a robot with his head flying off pretty early in my brainstorming, so I thought it might be fun to draw Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots. The problem is, I never owned those as a kid, so that felt a little inauthentic, and the thought of drawing two robots and then coloring them in monochrome felt boring.
So, I made up a robot instead! You can't see a lot of him, but just enough to get an idea for what the rest of him might look like, I think. In any case, I think he's a fitting end to this year's project!
This was created in Procreate with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Procreate Pencil brush for sketching, the Rusty Nib 1 brush for linework, the Rough Dot Shader 45/Light brush for shading, the Worn 4 Subtle brush for adding distress. And although you can't really tell that I used it, I used the Syrup brush for a lot of the fills where I wanted to make sure the color was solid.
The Rusty Nib 1, Rough Dot Shader 45/Light, and Worn 4 Subtle brushes are part of the Rusty Nib pack, the Beat Tones pack, and the Fast Grit pack respectively, all by True Grit Texture Supply.
If you'd like to see how I drew this one, you can watch the time-lapse below:
And you can watch all of the drawings in this series be created on this YouTube playlist.
This project flew by, and as always, I had fun doing it! I hope you enjoyed seeing each illustration and perhaps even watching them get made. I'll be back tomorrow for another project: Drawrch.
Until then, thanks for tuning in!